Thursday, 9 August 2012

How Do You Like To Watch A Movie..................

Today I am going to talk a little about how and where you like to watch movies at home or at the theatre, me I prefer to watch a movie at home and alone yes alone why alone you are wondering ok maybe you are not wondering but I am going to tell you anyway……………….

Sometimes while watching a movie I will get excited and want to yell at the screen and when laugh I do not want people looking at me and I like to be able to press pause while I am laughing a lot or crying yes I do cry at times during a movie.

Also I don’t like it when I end up with some tall person sitting in front of me making it either hard to see the screen or making me want to move seats and then there is the whole going to the toilet thing at home I can press pause and go and not feel like I am missing something . 

Also there is the money part of it, have you ever paid to go and see a movie only to find it boring just not something you can get into watching and only stay because it cost you money to go and see it, at home the movies I watch are on TV so not a problem I have if I don’t like the movie I just don’t watch it.

Only one thing that bothers me is that I don't watch movies much

So how about everyone else at home or theatre with other people or alone……………..


  1. I like watching at home more than the movies (I have a really weird feeling about theaters now after the killings in Aurora, Colorado). I, too, like that things are more in my control at home.

    1. Yes I didn't even think of the whole Aurora Colorado thing when I wrote this but yes that is also a new reason to stay home........

  2. I think I like watching movies on the big screen - you have to pay attention - and get the whole thing!!

    1. Yeah I know what you mean but I still prefer to at home

  3. I much rather prefer to watch the movies at home; it costs less and I can pause to use the loo anytime I feel like it. Plus, where I live it's quite congested so there's always someone talking, kicking the seat or using the phone to text...its really annoying!!

    1. Yes people talking around me at the movies is just so bloody annoying, I would like to tell them to shut the hell up but you never know they may freak out and go all crazy on you so not worth it better to say nothing and stew in silence......

  4. i enjoy both i actually just saw total recall tuesday in the theatre , it was GREAT. and colin ferrel just keeps gettin better looking. my main enjoyment is in getting out of the house for a non-food based activity. i skipped the soda popcorn candy crap.i mean seriously it's 2 hourswhy cant people just NOT eat. i go to matinees because it's usually less than 20 people for the noon show so no talking teens, cellphones, screaming. giggling etc and it's cheaper (NOT much still $8.25) i will admit i get excited and yell and scream when i'm at home i refrain myself in public! i tend to cry too NOT at sad parts but when i get happy i'll just well up. lol
    if i ever make it to australia we'll have to go to the movies. i love y'alls quirky comedy films. (ie:priscilla queen of the dessert, and muriel's wedding)

    1. Oh I love the movie Priscilla Queen of the Dessert....
      Hubby not so much but he did love Muriel's Wedding....
      Yes if I was to go I would prefer to go during the day while all the annoying teenages should be at school........

  5. depends on my mood and the movie some are way better on big screen and some better home alone

    1. Yes there are some movies that are better on a big screen.......

  6. I def prefer at home for the exact same reasons my friend.

  7. I do both. Some movies are great fun in a theater where others it does matter as much. I do love watching movies at home alone because I have complete control and that is totally cool.

    1. Yes I think the control thing is something I like to have..........

  8. I like both. At home I have control - bathroom and snack breaks. LOL I like the theater for the wide screen atmosphere that just makes some movies come alive. So... I am a 'Both' person. FYI - I never go to a theater unless I pretty certain the movie will be good. Rotten Tomatoes is pretty reliable in that regard.

  9. There are some movies that are nice to watch in a movie theater, and some that I would much rather watch at home. Especially sad movies. :)

  10. Isn’t home theater wonderful?! You don’t have to deal with sticky seats, crying babies, or a tall person sitting right in front of you. You can have a beer if you like; pause the film if you need to run some errands; or change your movie selection as many times as you like. And you get to do all these things without worrying about your budget!

    1. I agree completely so much more fun to watch it at home also no one complains if you get up and dance during a musical because the mood strickes you


Week 10 of 2025

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