Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Still not great and just wanting to sleep............

First up I would like to say thank you to everyone for the well wishes and can you believe I has been a week since I last wrote a post………………

Anyway my little trip to the land of sickness started on Thursday night when I just wasn’t right but on Friday I still got up and dressed and since we had Jess & Leo here on Thursday night I took Leo to day care then I went off to meet the family for breakfast and doing my weekly shopping however, it didn’t take me long to realise that I wasn’t doing  great and ended up having to get Kathy to bring Jessica up so Jess could drive my car home as I didn’t think I could manage driving the car home.
When I got home I went straight to bed and that has been where I have been pretty much since, on Friday I got the start of headache and not just any old headache a massive migraine type headache in fact I work up crying Friday night from the pain in my head. I was taking Codapane Forte which is paracetamol with codeine but it wasn’t helping much and then at some point during the night I remembered I had a “kool ‘N’ soothe” for those of you who have never heard of this product it us a non-medicinal get sheet that you place on the forward and boy did it help in fact I made Tim go out on Sunday and get me another pack. Within 10 minutes of me placing it against my forehead the pain had eased enough for me to get back to sleep. Now I was so sick I didn’t realise that I had forgotten to remove the clear plastic backing on the sheet before placing it on my forehead but hey it work anyway………

Let’s move onto Saturday well around 4am Saturday morning the diarrhoea started but this didn’t stop Tim getting me to go to the supermarket and get a few things, I was in such a state by the time I got home and I had only been gone around an hour but I came home and went to bed again. All I could think at the time was how much worse could I get well the vomiting started around midday Saturday  so worse I did get…………………….lol

All I could drink was water and I managed with tap water for a while but on Sunday Tim went and bought me some bottled water he got 3 litres which lasted me for a day and half. Since I have had a glass of water sitting next to my bed day and night I have covered it with an envelope which was all I could find but this reminded me of nan who would take a glass of water to bed with her and cover it with a sauce…………but I don’t have any saucers……….lol 

I want to thank my sister Sue for pointing out to Tim that because my iron levels are so low that would be making it harder for me to get over virus since being low in iron affects your immunity this has helped him be more understanding.

Also I have no idea whether it has anything to do with the sickness but I have been having the weirdest and strangest dreams I gave   had a long time, with me often waking up thinking what the hell was that all about…………….lol 

Ok yesterday I was feeling like I was starting the road to recovery but no today……………………… I started writing this at 8.30am and not it is 5.20pm I ended up having to go back to bed for a while and I still can’t eat anything ok well I managed to eat something yesterday not much but something but today well I have managed to eat and keep down most of a cheeseburger and I know I should try and eat something else but I just look at food and want to throw up and I am still so tired


  1. have you been to the doctor? if it lasts longer than 48 hours might be a thought. important to drinks lots of water. perhaps a cheeseburger is not ideal nutrition when sick. try some soup. easy to digest and might be better for your tum. perhaps Tim could make it for you. other than that bed rest and fluids. feel better soon.

  2. Wow- you have been through it, my friend! I do hope today is the day when the tide turns for you and you move back into wellness. Take care of yourself~

  3. Hope youre on the way back to normal...

  4. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    You sure need a lot of rest to back your usl health♬♬♬
    Yes, if you haven't visit a doctor and you feel it better to do; please consult the doctor!
    Prayer from sis-city from Japan, dear friend!!!

  5. Goodness me Jo-Anne - you've certainly been through the wringer, haven't you?! Guess it must be a virus of some sort. Hope Tim doesn't end up coming down with it as all. Take care and i really do hope that you'll be feeling much better very very soon :(

  6. Praying for you that you would be healed....

  7. Blogger ate my other comment :/ I was trying to wish you better and hoping they take good care of you over there so you can get back to life :) Hang in there!

  8. Oh, Jo-Anne - I hope you start feeling better soon. You know I understand about the Migraine. Sending healing vibes your way!!

  9. Yuck and I am so sorry to hear you just can't seem to shake this misery. I am sending you good thoughts and hoping for better days ahead for you. Get well my friend.

  10. Hang in there... sending you well wishes for a quick recovery.

  11. I hope you stay on the mend--you poor woman! Keep hydrated! XOXO

  12. Gosh J0-Anne, I do hope you get better or have wishes.

  13. Oh gosh! I am behind reading blogs, obviously. I sure hope you are feeling tons better by now!!

  14. Just got a couple of comments from you as I sit hre playing catch up so I hope this means you are feeling better
    Have certainly missed you my friend

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Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...