Monday, 6 August 2012

Welocome to another week and how I spent my Sunday

Hey Hey it’s Monday and what a Monday it is not hot (wouldn’t be since it’s winter) but also not too cold I am sitting here with tracky dacs and two pairs of socks but only a tee shirt. I would love to say that I am feeling great and on top of the world but in truth my throat is sore and I have a cough and a bit of headache………….lol but as I said it is winter and thus the season for coughs and colds……

Yesterday I didn’t get around to doing a post I did read a number of blogs but after I did that and checked in and read comments on my blog, then it was time for me to do our weekly medications that takes a little while and when I had finished that my throat hurt, my head ached and my back also ached so all I wanted to do was sit with my feet up and do nothing for the rest of the night.

Ok just had to put my cardigan on………………lol 

Anyway yesterday Tim and I went over to my parents place for lunch which meant that Tim didn’t get around to finishing the back yard, yes he has only half done the yard again…………..grrrr…………..Lunch was good just beef cooked in the slow cooker in a casserole base with mash and peas followed by apple pie and ice cream for dessert. In the afternoon while I was reading blogs I open a vodka cruiser but I only had the one drink.  

Bloody hell it is cold outside I was just out there to peg the sheets and towels on the line, thankfully it is the only load of washing I am doing today and only did the sheets because last night just before I was going to bed Tim comes out and says to me can you change the sheets please so I did………….lol 

Lately my email program has been running so bloody slow, just the email bit not the whole computer and it is so bloody frustrating……………………grrrr…………

I just looked at my fingers and noticed the two band aids on my fingers both on the same hand……lol one finger the fingernail got caught on something and tore and it was bothering me so I covered it while it grows back a little and the other finger I cut yesterday while I was peeling potatoes at mums and I managed to cut it right down under the nail and boy did it bleed a lot when I did it I covered it with a band aid well two band aids but within seconds the band aid was socked with blood so I changed the band aids but still it was bleeding a lot so I called dad to look at it as he has done numerous first aid courses and he checked it used some hospital tape to close the cut then covered it  with a band aid and then used a bit more hospital tape over the band aid and that stopped the bleeding………..even though it was bleeding a lot it didn’t hurt………….oh yeah and the finger I burnt on Saturday was on the same hand…………….lol

Oh yeah yesterday my sister Sandra felt like she was having early labour pains when she woke up yesterday morning and she said bubs had dropped right down and was making it difficult to stand and walk, when she was walking she had to hold the bottom of her belly for support both me and mum told her to get off her feet and rest she still has 6 or 7 weeks to go………

One more thing last Thursday my sister Sue left to go and visit her friend Anna for a week after a few hours she sent my mum a text saying she wanted to come home she hated it there, mum replied with suck it up you are 40odd not 10 deal………….lol ok there was more to the text but that was the drift of it…… yesterday just before lunch we see her on/off boyfriend Garry’s truck drive past and we are like what is he doing here, the next thing we know Sue is walking through the front door. She said that her and her friend had changed so much that they no longer had anything in common and it just didn’t feel right hanging out together……

Ok I started writing this an hour ago so I think it is time I wrap it up and post it………………….


  1. Take care of yourself, especially your fingers!

    1. I will only one finger is still sore so that is better

  2. I love Sundays, hate Monday's and can't wait for Friday's. I think I need to change my thinking, don't you?... Maybe not... LOL. Take care of that sore throat and everything else for that matter. :)))

    1. No nothing wrong with that I can try and take care of myself if only the famiy would let me crawl into bed and sleep........but no have to run around after Jessica even though I feel like shit

  3. Hi Jo-Anne. I am sat here at 7 a.m. on Monday morning with a smile on my face after reading your ramblings! Pity that your sister didn't enjoy her visit to her friend's place. Sometimes that happens though. This is an ongoing sage with Tim and the yard, isn't it?! Perhaps one day he will finish it and it will all look lovely! Your poor finger with losing all that blood. Lunch with mum sounds delicious! Take care, and keep warm.

    1. Yes Tim and the yard seems to be a never ending I was in bed early last night and will be in bed early again tonight, so Tim will have to take care of Leo

  4. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    OMG, Take Care of Yourself!!! You don't have a cold,do you☆☆☆
    You always are caring all of your family and doing your best. I think your family is happy to have you around them, dear friend.

    PS> Thank you very much for your sweet comment for me. I really appreciate it. Haha, it is a long way for my English learning. I wish your husband will be able to try pasta (any type) you make for him someday as I think it pity for him to miss one of delicious dish♡♡♡

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I am trying to take care of myself I just want to sleep but not happening but I will be having an early night and will leave Leo with Tim for the night.

  5. Wow... what a day! I do hope you feel better soon. :)

  6. Good grief, if the medicines make you feel that bad, I guess I'm glad I don't got the ailment!

    I had a problem on my e-mail Saturday night, spent two hours looking for fixes only to figure out I was three simple clicks from solving the problem with no fix necessary. That's the way that day went...

    1. I know your joking but honestly some weeks by the time I have finished doing the medications my back is aching so much that is just not funny, not that an aching back is ever funny but you know what I mean....

  7. take care of yourself and big hugs

  8. Oh my! I hope your fingers and hands heal from all the burns and cuts! As for your sister Sue, gosh, it's such a sad thing when you realize you don't have anything in common with your once close friend!

    Get well soon!

    1. Two of my fingers are fine but the one I cut on Sunday is still sore.......

  9. hope you feel better soon!! stinks being sick, any day. we are at the beach now on stinking hot!
    .but Grandma is sick...sore throat, chills...can't run from sickness no matter where you go!!
    happy week.
    your dinner sounds yummy.

    1. Me too if I could rest then I know I would get over it sooner but no rest for the wicked or

  10. Sad to hear your sick, hoping she doesn't go into early labor or anything. That is always scary! I tore my nail the same way and am still struggling with it, arg! I'm not looking forward to the winter months. UGH!

  11. Hope you feel better real soon. Our entire household has been sick during July. Weird. But hye, you do have a pic of a kitty in a hat, so things can;t be that bad,


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...