Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Do you make friends easy? Or are you are shy person, maybe you are reserved with your friendship and only offer it to certain people.  Do you consider your online friends and pen friends if you have pen friends to be real friends like I do? 

I have never been able to make friends when I was at school I only ever had a couple of friends but I was happy, I didn’t feel the need to have lots of friends and was happy with the couple I had.  After I left school I lost contact with those friends my best friend in high school was Cathy and she was my bridesmaid and godmother to my first born but we ended up losing touch. Why well I think it has to do with the fact that I got married and had children and she remained single, she still is single and has no children and just ended up not having that much in common anymore…….since leaving school well I have not really made any friends yes I have people who I am friendly with but I wouldn’t call them friends to me a friend isn’t necessary everyone you are friendly with…….if that makes any sense.

Then there are other types of friends……………pets…………yes pets are as real as friends as any other friends well in my opinion they are.

Who is your best friend? How long has that person been your friend? 

My absolute best friend is my husband Tim followed by my mother…………..but I think you all knew that already……………lol


  1. I make friends pretty easily, and I do consider my blogging friends to be my friends, as well!

    Like you, my best friend is my husband, since we were teenagers.

    1. I didn't know my hubby when I was a teenager......but after so long together I find it hard to remember what life was like before we met.......

  2. Having served in the Navy, I've had to make friends fairly quickly. So, it's now safe to say I have friends all over the country.
    But, my best friend? I've known him since I was seven years old and we were both inmates at Saint Stanislaus Catholic School (aka Penguin Academy).
    You would know him as Tommy Spagnola (as featured in Shag Carpet Toilet. Now available on Kindle and Nook! Get yours now while thousands last!).

    1. My best friend in high school was someone I went all through school with from kindergarten but until we got to high school we couldn't stand each other......

    2. Isn't it funny how people change as they grow older?

  3. We moved to Fridley, MN when I was five and I am still friends with the girl next door 56 years later. We had times we didn't connect for years, but then would again. We are closer now than ever. She's the friend I've had the longest.

    I love people and have a wide variety of friends--from acquaintances to my BFF, Ruby, I've known for 25 years. I've had pen pals since I was nine and have always been a letter writer, so having blog buddies wasn't much of a step for me. People come and go over the years...and some return. Oh, and I am still friends with my first real love--from senior year when I was 16 years old. Life is such a hoot!! ;)

    1. I can't really remember my next door neighbours from when I was that young I do remember thier names but wouldn't know them if I fell over I am glad to read that I am not the only one who considers pen pals and blog pals to be friends.......

  4. I have one very good friend I have remained in contact with for many years. Whenever we talk, it's like it was yesterday when in fact a few months have passed. I have to say I have made some really good friends online since I started blogging. I have to say, I really love that part of this blogging thing.

    1. I am still contected with my high school friend through Facebook but we really that.Yes I have some great online friends......

  5. i'd say i make accquaintences easily. what i consider friendship isnt what most people do. if i cant count on someone then we're NOT friends. some of my best friends are my cyber buddies they're always there to lend a hand and offer i just had one send me $100 for a pair of elvira sneakers because she wanted me to be happy. we've never met but that's friendship!
    i really only have one long term friend she's been my bestie since we were 7 (44now) i tend to hang on to people long after their expiration date, i'm an orphan so letting go scares me. it's something i'm constantly aware of.

    1. Yes I have accquaintences and I think some people confuse accquaintences with friendships. To me it takes me someone very special to be called friend

  6. I was like you I had few friends at school but they were just people to spend the day with, we didn't really know all that much about each other and eventually when we left we drifted apart. I was already in to writing letters which is probably why it never bothered me that I didn't have a person friend and was actually more devasted about the fact my paper ones stopped writing... I shared more with them then anyone else.... I still do even though its now none stop moaning.

    Its why I'd rather write to a few people and write everything which results in huge letters.

    I can easily spark a conversation with people but I mostly choose not to as no one seems interested in other people anymore.

    1. Yes I have always felt more a connection with my pen friends and online friends maybe it is because I am so shy and withdrawn but those friends are very special to me and I can tell them anything without feeling like they are judging me

  7. I have always made friends very easily. But with that being said after all of our moves I let friendships fall apart as well. I don't keep up on distance friendships as they tend to get replaced with nearby friends. I always feel badly about not keeping up with people that I was once close to.

    Like you, my immediate family (husband, 2 children and pets) are my best friends so I don't feel quite the need for a lot of friends to do things with.

    I do bond with people on the Internet as well. Facebook has resurrected some of my old friends and blogging has let me create some new friends.

    1. Thankfully I never moved a lot as a child and don't know how I would have mangaged since makeing friends has never come easy for me........but have never felt the need to be surrounded by people......

  8. I have one close friend from high school, but that's it, as far as friends from long ago. The older I get, the less friends I need. Everybody has issues and I seem to attract people who need help! I'm content these days w/ my own family, and I'd say 3 close friends. People come and go throughout life, and that's OK.

    1. I have always been a loner and enjoy my own company so I don't need lots of friends around.....

  9. My bestie is from high school, but she is my oldest friend. It's tough to make CLOSE friends as a grown up, isn't it? We KNOW people, but are they pals throughout all the stages of life?

    1. Yes you are so right we have different pals at different times through our lives.....

  10. I do not make friends easily. This blogging thing has probably been the most beneficial avenue for me making friends than anything in my entire life to date. I am a more reserved and introverted person. Writing is easier for me than casual conversation. Seriously... :)

  11. I think I make friends easily, this move has kinda shown me that I do. Things might change as I get older but I do value all the friends I've made over the years quite highly. Lucky to still have the same group of friends that I met in school in my life. Coming from a small town we kinda stuck together because we were a bunch of weirdos and did not really fit the norm.

    1. So you come from a small town of weridos, how cool is


Week 10 of 2025

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