Monday, 27 August 2012

Bowel Incontinence..............and thank you

Thank you thank you everyone for all the well wishes yes I am on the road to recovery the diarrhoea has stopped at last and I am now able to get out of bed and do a few things the thing is that I have been over doing it and then feeling like shit and end up in bed for ages.

I am even well enough to talk about the most embarrassing experiences a person can suffer from and that is bowel incontinence yes you read that right bowel incontinence, it is a condition that many people suffer from and no one wants to talk about or admit they have it.

Well I suffer from it and have done for about 3 years and you know what it wasn't until recently that I found the courage to tell the doctor that I have it, I mentioned it while I was at the doctors last week about being so sick. She told me to go back and see her again and we will see what is causing it.

Now only last week I discovered incontinence underwear, I have used incontinence pads in the past but they don't work for bowel incontinence but these incontinence underwear they are great absolutely wonderful. On Friday while out shopping I had an accident with diarrhoea I was wondering down an aisle and suddenly thought damn I have to go to the toilet and as soon as I had that thought it started running out of me. I was so upset and embarrassed I though everyone would be able to see and I wanted to cry and just get out of there and get home so I went straight to the check out and left. I was wearing a pair of blue pants with a blue top and thought they must be completely stained.

When I got home and went to the bathroom to clean myself up there was not outer sign that anything had happened my blue pants had no stain on them at all. All I could thing was wow I should have started wearing this underwear ages ago. I will now be able to go out shopping with a new sense of confidence.

Why is it so hard for us to admit that we have this problem, if it was a problem you suffered from would you be able to admit it, for so long the only person who knew I had a problem was my husband.


  1. I am so glad you are feeling better- goodness, you had a time of it! I love your courage. I do hope they will find a solution for you~

    1. I will arrange to go back to the doctors about this embarressing problem but first I want to be fully recovered from the virus I have and that feels like it will never happen.

  2. I love your courage too - it is a hard topic and I bet there are a lot of others with that too! Glad you found the pants. sandie

    1. Thank you once I was able to admit I had a problem to myself and the doctor and my family it became easier.

  3. I have IBS and have had for about a decade. Goes with the fibro territory. It's one of the main reasons I am housebound. I get little or no warning. I've mentioned it on my blog a few times. As long as I am at home in my little apartment 98% of the time I can make it to the bathroom. Sometimes it's better and sometimes it's worse. But my problem isn't one of leakage. More all or nothing--LOL! Good to know, though. Thanks for being so open. :)

    1. All or nothing is also my problem once it starts it doesn't want to stop and that makes me feel dirty and needing a shower. At least now I have discovered "Depend" underwear when I go out in public I have a little more confidence that everyone will not be able to see if something happens.

  4. You have great courage Jo-Anne to tell the world of your condition. I am sure the Dr. will put you on the right track. Good on you for not letting it beat you.
    Also pleased you are feeling a bit better.

    1. Yes I will have to make an appointment to see the GP to discuss how to treat it........I do not think I have any courage but thank you for saying so

  5. Ah.. I understand. It's hard to admit something is wrong with you when you feel someone would judge you in a negative way. In this, if they do, they don't deserve to be your freind. :)

    1. Once you tell someone and you do not get any negative reaction to the news then it becomes a little easier to tell others and to think about going and talking to the doctor about it

  6. Don't worry. I do understand your dilemma. Its hard to admit something that will embarrass you and you know that you will be laughed about. But it depends on a person if they will be such a jerk to not understand your condition. Just don't mind them and be well on the road of recovery.
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    1. I have not had one bad reaction to this piece of news which has made me feel so good I am surrounded by so many wonderful people who have offered nothing but support. I was so scared that people would look at me as if I was dirty or something but that hasn't happened.

  7. I'm glad you are feeling better. I think we don't know what to do as no one talks about it and its one of those embarrasing situations like you said... I wish my doctor was like yours though as I've been many times about stomach/bowel problems and just get told its irritable bowels... yes but how do you deal with it? I wish people would talk more about these things so you know if you are in that situation, sometimes I find people discuss things after the event has passed and then its like if only I'd known that earlier.

    1. Better not great though and at the moment it is the tiredness that is getting to me I am finding every couple of hours I want to go back to bed.

      Tim has been told he had IBS but no one could offer and real advice on how to deal with it, diet helps but only for a while then the problem comes back and he tries something else and that may help for a short time then the problem comes back.

      I think if more people talked about these problems then we wouldn't feel like we are alone, and yes I felt like I have been alone with this condition for so long

  8. So glad you are on the mend now. Those special underwear are a god send. If you choose to share your personal issues with friends, then you will know who your true friends are. True friends stick by you and love you just the way you are. :)

    1. I am very lucky that no one has had a bad reaction to the news telling the first person was the hardest but it does get easier.......

  9. How great to finally find some help for that!
    I'm easily embarrassed, so your courage really inspires me.

    1. I get embarrassed easy.......who could tell though with the embarressing things I keep sharing with people........

  10. Firstly, I'm so glad you're feeling better , and thank you for being so honest about your problem, as it might help others. I do hope that the doctor will be able to help you, but in the meantime, thank goodness you've found those pants, which will give you confidence in this situation.

    1. Yes I think so many of us thing we are alone we are the only ones to suffer from such conditions so if me being able to share this embarressing problem with all helps anyone than I am happy. The hardest part is saying it to the first person, then it gets easier.

  11. I'm glad that is something you feel comfortable talking about. I think sharing things online that are of a personal nature is a little easier to do in person. I glad those worked for you! I remember peeing on myself in the grocery store when I was pregnant and sneezed. My husband thought it was so funny.

    1. I had a problem with peeing myself evertime I sneezed or coughed but had surgery to fix that
      I find as I get older talking about embarressing things seem to get a little easier...

  12. Oh I'm glad you found something that will help you feel more confident. I really pray that the doctor can help you.
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. I do too.........the hardest bit was mentioning it and now I have to wait till I am feeling better till I can see the doctor about the incontinence

  13. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    What a relief to hear that you are getting better even if it not a really good condition yet. Oh, I never knew about the underwear.
    Take good care of yourself!!!
    Praying to get perfectly well from sis-city from Japn, my friend♡♡♡ Miyako*

    1. Yes I am starting to feel better at long last each day I will get better well I am hoping that is the way it will be.......

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