Sunday, 12 August 2012

My Boy's

Last week Jessica decided that she would like Leo to have a pet, so after a lot of thought she decided she wanted to get a puppy and yesterday she found this little guy of Gumtree she had to get some help from her dad to pay for him but she will pay him back and since it was for Leo he was willing to help……..
A few days ago my sister Natasha posted this photo on Facebook of my grandson Blain and I commented that his eye looked turned in it and that was all I said and anyone would have thought I was attacking him by the reply comments I got. Right or wrong I worry about his eye and whether it will have any long term negative effect on him, if his parents have been told that is it fine and it not a problem then that is good but I am not told anything like that then I don’t know. 


  1. What a darling pet for Leo! I hope they have many years of happiness together.

    As for little Blain, honestly, if he were a student in my classroom, I would refer him for eye tests. Sometimes these time of things resolve themselves on their own, but sometimes they need intervention to keep it from getting worse. He is a handsome little guy-

    1. He has had tests on his eye and was told he needed surgery to correct it but his parents chose not to have it done, so I worry maybe he will be fine I just don't know...........

      Leo loves little Dino......and Jessica is hoping that Leo growing up with a dog will be good for him......

  2. Hi Jo-Anne. Wow, what a cute little puppy. Looks like him (or her) and Leo are going to be great friends. I agree with Shelly about little Blain. His eye doesn't seem to be quite right. It's difficult though, isn't it,as you don't want to seem to be interfering, but this is important. Hope everything turns out to be okay for the little lad. He's got a cheeky little smile!

    1. Yes the pupply is just so cute and Leo is just so happy with him he was so excited when we got him.

      Blain does have a cheeky smile and has his fathers charm...........

  3. Hopefully with a little puppy you'll find the responsibility will be good for him as well as having a little friend.

    As for Blaine, a lot of children have a squint in childhood but seem to grow out of it when they are older and I hope you'll find thats the case here too.

    1. Yes we are hoping the responsibility of taking care of a pet will be good for Leo. I can only hope that as Blain grows his eye doesn't get any worse and isn't a problem for him.

  4. Cute puppy and cute little boy!

  5. That puppy is darling. Good for a young child to learn kindness and patience and responsibility with a pet. And a dog teaches us about unconditional love, too. ;)

    I'd be very concerned about that eye, too! Especially when they were told he should have surgery on it and they refused. I sure hope he is going to be okay.

    1. Thank you only time will tell how his eye is in the long run, and I do think the puppy will be good for Leo

  6. Very cute puppy indeed. As for the eye, speaking from experience if the surgery is not done the problem will only get worse. Having the surgery done while he is young is much easier than when he gets older. Either way I hope everything turns out well for him.

    1. Yes I was worried that if he didn't have the surgery it would get worse but his parents said differently

  7. Great pictures. The puppy and your grandson are both adorable. Regarding Blain, I agree with Geek Girl. I was one who had that problem as a child and the surgery made all the difference. Good luck with that. :-)

  8. Jono (Blains dad)Tuesday, August 14, 2012

    It doesn't matter in the long run it is easy enough to fix without an operation having it is a quick fix but given the operation would cause undue pain I said no.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...