Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Love Takes Work.............

In case some of you haven’t realised I have a Wordpress blog now it can be found over here: it is similar to this blog but different at the same time well it will be as time goes on so if anyone wants to go and check it out feel free to do so…………….

Now today I want to talk about love and yes I know I have talked about love in the past but sometimes I think people give up on love to easy, I saw this quote somewhere and liked it

     “Falling in love is not a choice.  To stay in love is”

I know that it takes work to stay in a relationship, and that work is something many people find too hard to do. Giving up is easier than trying to work things out, now don’t get me wrong I know some relationships cannot be saved and it is better to walk away and not look back.

If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. If they are not connecting with you and thinking more about themselves than they are of you then maybe you need to think twice before staying in that relationship.

However, if the person is trying and wants to be part of your life and you can say you are still in love with them then maybe you should try to work out any problems you have. I am not expert but I am married to a wonderful man who I am still in love with after 29yrs together but have we had our problems………….yes we have………………..but he still loves me and I still love him and there are more good times then bad times and that is important. We have talked and worked on things and things are getting better so we choose to stay together and keep working on things and things will continue to get better.

I think it’s better to be alone than to be with someone who really doesn’t want to be with you.


  1. This post really hits the mark with me today. And I agree completely. A good relationship does require work, trust and sometimes compromise.
    But if you both really want it, it can be wonderful

    1. Oh yeah at times you have to compromise in a good relationship but there are some people who are not willing to do just that they want it all their own way. I am happy you liked the post

  2. No two ways about it. Successful relationships are that not because of love alone, but also because of the commitment and determination of both people.

  3. So true, its just sometimes for some people its hard to walk away if they have children and for others its easir to run. Its just finding that balance I guess :)

    1. Yes I know it can be very hard to walk away when you have children and think it is better to stay, I am lucky I have never been in that situation.

  4. This reminded me of something a young woman told me when I was a teenager. It was after a wedding, people were in the basement eating cake, I wanted to get away outside (teenager), and found her grabbing a smoke outside the church. She informed me that this marriage was never going to work out in the long run. I was shocked, of course, to hear her say that. There are givers and takers in the world and those two are takers. I am a taker, so I know. Two takers will never, ever work out and make each other miserable. Two givers will be very happy together. A taker HAS to find a giver to be happy because we really only care about ourselves. You're a giver. Watch out, honey.

    I should have listened to her.

    1. That woman made sense there are givers and takers in the world and I also agree that two takers wouldn't make a good match, I think I would be a giver, hubby is for the most part a giver too.........although he has his moments of

  5. i totally agree after 20yrs of marriage it is apparent we wouldn't be here if we didn't work at it

    1. Same can be said for me and hubby and for my parents who have been married coming up to 52yrs and I can remember when they had their problems but they are still in love and neither can imagine life without the other

  6. Great post about love today, Jo-Anne. You are so right, especially these days,when so many people just seem to walk away without putting the effort in. It's good that you and hubby have talked and worked through things, but it's not so easy if the person you are with doesn't really want to talk, but just chooses to carry on as if nothing was wrong. I also think that, sometimes, you can feel more alone in a relationship, than if you were actually on your own. If you see what I mean!

    1. I am happy that this post was well received, and I know what you mean about being with someone who doesn't want to talk and work things out because they don't see the problem. That was hubby for a while it was me telling him that I was told to leave him because he was unwilling to change or work on things.

  7. This is such a powerful post, Jo-Anne. I think it's one of your best, in fact. You hit the nail on the head, relationships take loads and loads of work and to many people just find it easier to just give up on them. I love your other blog BTW...

    1. I am happy that everyone seems to like this post, I knew you would get that relationships take work......

  8. Love is a daily decision. sandie

    1. Thank it is Sandie and a decision somepeople find to hard to make........

  9. It's hard to find love like that and keep it together!! :) Yall are a lovely couple. I've also signed up on wordpress you can find me there as well :) I'm sharing the evil monkey tomorrow!!! Check it out and thanks again!

    1. I will check out your wordpress blog, and thank you for saying we are a lovely couple

  10. Hi Jo-Anne, first time visitor and follower. And I agree with you. I'd much rather be alone. But fortunately wifey puts up with me so I have a place "to be."

    1. Hello and welcome, if I didn't have hubby I would be alone........

  11. Your post is right on today. Love is never easy. It has to be nurtured and cared for to flourish. That involves give and take and 'work'. So glad you have it!

    1. Thank you happy you liked it, and I know I am lucky to have a great hubby

  12. You kind of said it all. Life is a challenge. Loving someone is part of life's experience. It stands to reason that love would be as challenging. I'm fortunate to have a wonderful husband. As you said, we have our problems too. At the end of the day I wouldn't want to be anywhere else with anyone else.

    1. That is how I feel I am happy with hubby and can't see myself with anyone else........

  13. i agree 100% people now have been lead to believe (by tv and romance novels) that love is this overpowering exciting explosive thing, not that it requires compromise and sacrifice and HARD work, lots of hard work to keep it going. it's easier to get a divorce and move on than to fix your problems, the thing is no one changes. if they're disrespectful and untrustworthy when you're dating why in tartarus do you think they'll change with a piece of paper??? happy for you that you've found the one and congrats on bein together so long. that's LOVE!

    1. Yes you are so right some people think a person will change once they get married and that is not the case.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...