Tuesday 31 July 2012

Respect.............Do You Think It Is Somepeople Have Forgotten How To Show Others...............

What is it with some people not showing proper respect to their parents/elders? I would never dream of speaking to my father in a disrespectful tone but my daughters do it with their father and my sister has done it to our father and it really pisses me off. I was raised to always show respect for those who are older than me and of course to my parents, I have never ever spoken back to either of my parents but Tim has done it to his parents but would never dream of doing it to my parents maybe that is because my parents have always treated him with respect. 

I think the reason my girls have done it to both me and their dad is something to do with their generation, they seem to think they have the right to question why we would punish them when they were children which also pissed me off, we I was a child the words “because I said so” were enough I would never have said “but why” like my daughters would. Also they saw their dad arguing with his father and maybe thought that if he could do it why couldn’t they. 

Now as parents their view has changed and “because I said so” is good enough because they are the ones using that phrase to their child. 

Now let’s move onto my sister she is a grown woman and like me was raised to never talk back to her parents, she also is old enough to know that parents should be respected, well if you have the type of parent that deserves respect which we do. Maybe it is because she is a grown woman she thinks she can talk back to them or voice her opinion in a disrespectful manner, but I do not agree. 

Yes both parents can be frustrating at times but hell they are people and all people can be annoying or frustrating at times, however, they are your parents and great parents at that who have always treated all of their children and their children’s partners with nothing but respect. So act your age and show them the respect the deserve.


  1. i said yes maam to my grandma till the day she died. she was 4 ft 11 and she's have made me bend over and stood on tippy toes to backhand me if i'd been nasty to her. it simply NEVER occured to me to raise my voice or argue with adults as a child. now they dont respect teachers or police either, i'd have been terrified to mouth off to a cop or teacher. shows they need to bring corporal punishment back in the schools. all that silly it'll damage em to say no stuff is BS. an animal teaches by nipping or smashing inappropriate behavior and it works for humans too. also a bar of soap in the mouth never killed no one either! i was raised with respect and guess what i was straight As through school, never went to jail, and am much happier than those with no boundaries! mayhaps YOU should smack your sister in the back of her head when she gets disrespectful. lolol

    1. Yes you are so right kids now days have little respect for anyone including themselves and yes I think if teachers were allowed to displine kids then they may get more respect. Kids now days no that there is really nothing a teacher can do expect send them to the principal and they get detention which often just mean they get to sit in a class room and do their homework or in some cases they get to sit in a class room and read a book and if the suspended then they just see it is a holiday from school............

  2. I was asking this question to a friend in a letter about work places. Why do you have to have the one (or a handful of) bitchy people. Why can't they be happy for each other and respect peoples decisions to do things rather then turn their noses up at them. I think the same is done to parents, they are seen like idiots who are old fashioned and don't know whats going on. Until the tables are turned and then its ok for them.

    1. I so hear you here I don't get the being bitchy and being jealous of other peoples success or good fortune.

  3. A big AMEN from here to your post. Disrespect, expecially to parents, brings nothing good at all.

    1. Yeah I thought this topic would get a lot of support, I think some people need a good smack when they are being disrespectful.....

  4. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Japanese are known to have the respect to the elderly, I think. Well as you say, I can see the difference of the generation clearly from my students. Hope the virtue comes back(*^_^*)
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes it is the younger generation who are the most disrespectful but it is not just them as I said and I think some people need a good slap when they are disrespectful

  5. I'm with you. What my parents said was law and there was no questioning it. Be rude to my parents or grandparents...I'm sure lightning would have struck me on the spot lol. Our daughter now...that's another matter. This generation who are now raising their own children seem to have such a strong sense of entitlement.
    Thanks so much for dropping in on some of my blogs.

    1. Yes the sense of entitlement really pisses me off, my daughter who was not the most respectful child at times now gets the whole respect thing now she has a child of her own.......and another daughter still doesn't get it even though she is mother too......

  6. Amen my friend respect is a totally slipping these days

  7. I don't think lack of respect ends just with elders/parents. People, generally, are disrepectful to each other. Rudeness reigns. Somewhere in our culture people got the notion that their opinions or their actions are "better and more valuable" than anyone elses.

    I was raised in the south by my grandmother so I am uber conscientious about manners and find that people no longer consider that treating each other nicely is important.

    1. No it isn't just the elders and parents who are not respected, it is also all people in a position of authority that are disrespected and it is the younger generation who are the worse offenders....

  8. I wish my child would respect her parents. Grrrrr! It makes my brain ache, but I'm bound and determined to whip her into shape. Into a girl I can be proud of, which I already am, but she needs to stop being a butt to mom and dad :)

    1. I think so parents allow their child to act in a disrespectful way and then wonder why said child doesn't seem to respect them or listen to them. Some parents seem to want to be their childs friend and not their parent, if that makes sense.

  9. Sadly, I don't think it is just parents or elders...they don't really respect anybody...or themselves. And they don't respect other people's property, either, for that matter. Not all of them, obviously, but too many...too many. :(

    1. You are so right and it is terrible, so many younger people seem to think they have the right to speak and act in anyway they feel like.

  10. I couldn't agree with you more. It frustrates me when I see that happen. It baffles me, why a child feels it's ok to make an ass out of themselves and humiliate their parent at the same time... Sigh!

    1. I knew pretty much everyone would agree with me because my followers are normal people who have common sense...........

  11. I am not all certain that children even understand what the word respect even means. In fact I am not at all certain some adults do. Respect others as you would have them respect you. It's as simple as that. Like the golden rule - treat others as you want to be treated. I don't see either of these much these days. Big sigh....

    1. I hear you to me it is simple but I was raise to show respect, in fact not showing respect never enter my thoughts. I think kids learn by watching their parents and if the parents don't show respect to people including their own children then said children don't learn how to show respect.

  12. I do not understand the lack of respect that children show their parents, especially here in the States. It's horrid. Parents need to put their children in their place again. My children were raised to respect their elders and anyone in a position of authority and use Sir and Ma'am - and my family up north tease them for it and I don't care. It's how they are getting far in life.

    1. Yes many parents are lacking they are not setting a good example for their children by showing respect to others while thier children are around. Also children need to be respect by their parents, by that I mean parents should not talk to their children like shit or treat them like shit, but I see many parents doing just that. I know my nephew Dawson will say at times why should I show respect to my mum when she doesn't show me any respect.........



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