Tuesday, 3 July 2012

How Rich Are You????????????? I Am Rich With Love..............

Which would you rather have money or power or neither or both.....................

Me I am happy just having enough money to live nicely on and I am happy. I know many people would like to be rich and powerful but I think being happy is more important and yes I know people can be rich, powerful and happy but that is not the point of this blog and to be honest I think most of those people who appear to have it all…………. do not........................

I have always felt rich but not with money I am rich with love and family I have people around me who love me and who support me no matter how annoying I can be at times. Now we have never been poor either we always have had a roof over our head and food on the table.

Like most people I dream about winning Loto and have oodles of money but I don’t think it will ever happen but it is nice to dream. What would I do with oodles of money well I would share it with my family does that come as a surprise to anyone…………….I doubt it and I would rather see my girls set up in their own home before me and Tim they are young and have a lot more living to do then me. I would rather spend money on nice holidays and a nice car then my own home.


  1. i couldnt care less about power but i would LOVE to be rich enough to buy an island or a cabin on top of the mountain where i only had to see people mayhaps once every four months or so when i went for supplies! i'd be totally self sufficent for the most part. solar panel batteries, garden, raise my own chickens, go fishin. as long as i had my books/movies i'd be in heaven!

    1. It has always been a secret dream of mine to live on an island just me and my family and not have to see people unless I feel like it........

  2. Agree with you Jo-Anne, having family around is 'rich', not everyone has that kind of richness.
    Ah! you always think of yourself last - regarding the lotto :)Not everyone has that gift.

    1. Thank you it runs in the family my mum also says if she won a lot of money she would like to share it around her children and grandchildren more then spending it on herself.......

  3. I already feel inifinitely powerful because I am in charge of my own life and my own decisions, and that is the best kind of power of all. Too often, having lots of money means being poor in too many other ways. I think our kind of wealth is the best of all.

    1. Yes being in charge of your own life is powerful and so many people do not feel like they have power over their own life

  4. I wouldn't mind winning the lotto to get me out of debt and have some extra money for vacations.

    1. Yes it would be nice to be out of debt and that would mean having our daughters our of debt since thier debt is in fact our debt

  5. If I could win enough to get out of debt, I'd be quite happy after that. Being rich and powerful isn't for me though, I'd rather just be rich and unknown.

    1. Yes if I was rich I wouldn't want everyone to know about it

  6. i'm rich in online friendship, in love of a beautiful son and in knowing that i get to spend time with people like you reading amazing post

    1. I like that "rich in online friendship" it is so true and I am also rich in such a way I have some amazing online friends........

  7. I am definitely not money rich, but I am rich, baby! Rich! Love rich trumps money rich any day in my book. ;)

    1. Yes love rich will always out weight money rich in my book too.........

  8. Hi Jo-Anne. Love this post. Like you, we have enough money to live on, but I am rich indeed with the love of my family and friends. What a blessing they are! I like Becca's comment that she is rich in online friendships. I think we can all agree with that. Blogging has brought so much to my life. Like you, if I did win the lottery, it would be wonderful to set my two daughters up . I'd rather spend it on them than on myself really.

    1. Yes I liked Becca's comment to as I have some awesome online friends like Becca and you and all who come and visit me and leave such wonderful comments..... Yes spending the money on our children would make us feel so good

  9. I would like to have just enough money to be able to live contently... it would of course be even better if I didn't have to work as I'd spend so much time on my hobbies and would take even more on as there is so much I want to do.

    I'm yet to see/hear about someone rich/powerful/popular who is happy, at some point they divorce/have affairs/end up in drug/alcohol rehab!

    1. You are so right so many of those who are suppose to have it all in fact have very little and often have rotten lives.........it would be nice to not have to worry about money though

  10. All I need is my Family close and them all to be healthy and safe. Good post!
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Thank you the love of a family makes most of us feel so rich and so happy........

  11. I think people are way to concerned with the materialistic side of things. I have a nice life but I am not sure it would have been less if I would of had less. I am grateful for what I have and realize that a lot of people have it worse. I certainly don't want power. Gosh, let me just worry about me. I don't want to have to control others.

    1. Yes material items don't make you truly happy love and family and being surrounded by those who care for you makes you happy and rich

  12. It's nice to meet you. I found you because you found me via Susan Cooper. :) I love making new blogger friends!

    1. Good to see you here Geek Girl you have a great blog and I also love making new blog friends...........

  13. ...hmmmm...totally need to think about this. Although money is nice, power would allow me to wipe out my ex with my bolt of lightning!....you did mean super power right?
    xoxo I hope you win the lottery!

    1. A super power well that is a different matter and a subject for another post.......lol At least I buy Lottery tickets so I have a chance of winning doubt it will ever happen but it............lol

  14. In the end, family and friends are our greatest treasure. Knowing that, spending the time we have with them gives us many memories that can't be purchased. Just my thoughts for the moment. :)

    1. Yes they are and I am lucky to be part of such a great family and as I said I know I am rich in love

  15. It is nice to have money but it is more important to be happy with what you have and the people in your life.

    1. Yes it is money can't buy love or happiness........


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