Wednesday 25 July 2012

Headlights On Or Off During The Daytime

Do live in an area that has a lot of beautiful sunny days? Or do you live in an area that has a lot of overcast not so sunny days?

I live in Australia and we have many many beautiful sunny days here all year round, we live in an area that has stinking hot days in summer but it could be worse we could live somewhere like Darwin which can have stinking hot days all year round thankfully our stinking hot days are limited to the summer months.

Now here is the question do you drive with your headlights on when it is a beatiful sunny day, or are you like me and can't see the point. I am not talking about long drives but city driving are you likely to forget and leave your lights on during the day causeing you to end up wth a flat battery. Or do you have car like mine that you can set your lights to auto and that way you don't have to remember to turn the off when you get out of the car.

I know that now days you can get cars with day driving lights not that I know what day driving lights are but my guess would be that they are lights that come on during the day and you don't have to remember to turn the on and off but I could be wrong as I said I don't know I am just


  1. I certainly have my lights on for country driving and during the winter. My little car is silver so I am very aware that driving with my lights on makes me easier to see.

    Luckily, my lights turn off when I stop the car or I would always be calling the road service

    1. Yes I think it pays to have them on for country driving and long trips or if it is a very overcast day. Lights that go off with the car are a great invention....

  2. We have constant sunshine, and I leave my lights on when I'm on the highway no matter what time it is. We have some really bad drivers in this area, and if I can make myself more visible to someone who might pull out in front of me when I'm going 75 mph, then I'm going to leave them on. Don't know that they help that much, though-

    1. Yes we have such beautiful sunny days which is why I can't see the point but also do think that it is wise to have them during a long highway trip.

  3. In summer I never have to use my lights because the days brighter for longer. In winter between 4am - 8am (sometimes a bit longer) you need them. I don't mind all the seasons as in their own way they bring a little something but I would love summer to last the longest as I suffer from winter blues eventually.

    1. We don't have to use them either but every now and again some so called experts say we should and I honsetly can't see the point

  4. mine is on auto if it's stormy or overcast they occasionally pop on. i also see absolutely no point in using my bright lights at all, you just have to dim them every few seconds anyway so WHY??? i hate it when some moron has those blasted blue lights to, i do NOT care what the experts say about them being easier on the eyes they are BLINDING!

    1. Yes I like to have mine on auto so if it's overcast or terrible weather then they come on.....high beams can be such a pain when people do not dim them

  5. On bright sunny days I never have my lights on My SUV is a dark red color so it doesn't blend into the landscape. I live in KS so we have nasty long winters that are always overcast, so all winter my lights are on.

    1. Yes so many of us live in areas that have such wonderful sunny days so what is the point I do not get the so called experts saying that we should have them on

  6. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Oh, we don't have light on here in Japan. I think just feeling the darkness and driver decide. Haha, I don't drive, so not much I xan say here p;)
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from sis-city Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I hate driving at night and in bad weather but if I have to then of course have the lights on but can't see the point on having them on during the day

    2. Haha, I forgot to put "during the day". I know you understood. Yeah, no point unless it is bit dark even day time p;)
      Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Our car, the lights come on when you start it, no discussion involved. Headlights for idiots, so to speak.

    1. Yes I think it is great when you have a car that is like that we have had a couple of cars with that feature including this one if you turn them to auto

  8. i live in FL we have mostly sun but are subject to afternoon showers and i don't drive so don't have to worry about headlight. have a great day XOXO

    1. Living in an area that has lovely sunny days there is no point in having the lights on during the day.

  9. I typically don't run my lights on a sunny day. I'm sure I have though. My car is smart-ish and when I shut it off if I forget the lights they go off with the car. So I'm sure I've been guilty once or twice. I'm agree though, don't really see the point.

    1. So good to hear that I am not the only one who can't see the point in having the lights on during sunny days...........lights that go off when you turn the car off are great

  10. Some cars here have lights that go on automatically all the time. Mine is older and they don't. No I don't drive on sunny days with the lights on. sandie

    1. Most of the cars we have had didn't have that feature either but it is a good idea mainly because I have a habit of forgetting to turn the lights

  11. my car has an "auto" setting and it turns on the daytime lights during the day and regular headlights at night. i have a silver vehicle so i think it helps that my lights are on.

    1. Yes I think if the colour of your car doesn't stand out you really need the lights on, when the day isn't so bright and sunny anyway

  12. My lights automatically come on when I start the ignition. That said I never really think about it. Does that make me a bad energy wasting person?.... Nah! Maybe, just a bit lazy... LOL.

    1. No not lazy at all I think it is great when the lights come on and off when you start the car one less thing for us busy people to have to think about

  13. My car has daytime driving lights. I have no control over them. They come on automatically and they turn off automatically. The advantage is that I don't have to give them any thought. :)

  14. Or car has daytime driving lights which come on automatically when the engine is switched on. I think there may be a setting somewhere to turn them off but it's too complicated to worry about it.



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