Saturday, 7 July 2012

Thank You Becca

Ok yesterday I noticied that Becca  had given me an award this one right here see it good now here are the rules that come with it.
  •  Include the award's logo in a post or on your blog.
  • Share the love, and link the person who nominated you.
  • Tell seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 other fabulous bloggers.
Link your nominees to this post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

Now I have to tell you 7 things about myself well for some that might be hard but not for me I have a list of things to chose Damn I went to my list and there is only a few things on it how did that

  1.  I believe people take advantage of me.
  2.   I think I am fat.
  3.  I am the oldest in my family and most of the time I like it but sometimes I wish I could be stupid and silly but it's just not me.
  4.  I have a problem with thinking negative things about myself like I am a failure as a mother. 
  5.   I love Christmas it is my favourite time of year.
  6.   My favourite saying is “Life’s too Short to be Miserable”
  7.   I love my life.........................
Now I have to share it with 7 other bloggers so let me think what 7 will I bestow this honour on.......
So now that is todays post done somthing different from me since I don't do awards very often but what the hell..............


  1. Personally, Jo-Anne, I think you're an awesome mom!! I think you rock!!

    Congrats on the award =)

    1. Thank you maybe it takes an awesome mum to know another one because I think you are awesome too.....

  2. i think you are beautiful and amazing

    1. Thank you that does make me feel good inside.....

  3. Hi Jo-Anne,
    I don't do awards, but thanks for thinking of me. I liked reading yours. I don't think I am fat, I know I am fat--LOL! I'm the oldest, too. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I love the entire season from Thanksgiving till New Year's! I love life, too--warts and all! :):)

    1. That's ok I had a thought you didn't but added you anyway because I love you blog............

    2. That's so sweet! Thanks so much. :):)

  4. Woman you are entirely to hard on yourself!
    You are fantastic so no more bad stuff. :)

    1. I know I am it is a woman thing........most of us are hard on

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Congratulations on your award, my dear friend♪♪♪
    It is wonderful to know about you more. I do think negatively as well at times. Haha, but it is kind of human nature, isn't it?
    Thank you very much thinking of me to have this honor. I will post about this later.
    Well, I will make your kindest offer my last award. Like your friend Rita and some of other my followers might feel, I feel really awkward to choose from among my friends. I thought I must let you know in advance, my friend. Thank you very much for your thoughts♡♡♡
    Hope you are having a nice weekend and Sending you love from sis-city, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes I think it is human nature to put ourselves down at times, you are welcome I do hate to have to chose friends myself but since I was in the mood yesterday to do this I did. To me I chose friend who I think others might enjoy checking out I don't care whether you do a post about the award or not I just wanted to let others know you are awesome...........

  6. WOW! I am touched you have nominated me. Thank you so much!!! I will be checking out the other nominees when I am able. Also, congratulations on a well deserved award my freind.

    I am having an amazing time on my trip. I can wait to share my new inspirations with you.
    :), Susan

    1. Your welecome I added you because I do like your blog and I think others will as well which is why I chose to add you on to the list......

  7. Hi there Jo-Anne. Wow, thank you so much for thinking of me, and I accept this award with great pleasure. It is a new one to me, so that you very much for that! It was really interesting to read those things about you, and I think we can all agree that people take advantage of you! LOL! I don't agree with number 4 by the way! You are certainly NOT a failure as a mother. Gosh, I don't know where your children would be without you, with all the things that you do for them. You are always there for them, which is lovely. I also love Christmas and I certainly agree that life is far too short to be miserable :) It's wonderful that you love your life. Congratulations on your well deserved Award, and I will post about mine early next week.

    1. It was a new one to me too.......and as I think you rock I wanted to include you so others might get a chance to discover how amazing you are........

  8. Such a lovely award but also great facts

  9. Congrats to you! Nice to know you better! :)

    1. Since you a new to my blog you would have learnt a few things most of my followers know how much my family take advantage of

  10. Congratulations on your award! And, you are a beautiful woman~


Bipolar Disorder

 First off there is a new post over here: Now today's post Good morning, all ...