Wednesday, 16 November 2011

These are the only flowers I will get for my

I have had a pretty good birthday, I received heaps of messages and a couple of phone calls to wish me Happy Birthday and both hubby and Jes gave me a rice cooker so now I have I have asked Jes if it would be ok with her if I take hers back and exchange it for something else and she said I could so I will do that on Friday when I go shopping.

Tomorrow I am going out for lunch with my parents and sisters and I am looking forward to that, I was hoping hubby would take me out for lunch today but when he got home he said he had already eaten and didn't want to bother.

I know we will not be going out for dinner as we have Leo tonight and there is no way we would go out with him it would be too stressful.

I know that Natasha and Kathy will not be able to get me a present till Friday so I will have to wait till the weekend to see what they get me.

At least no one forgot this


  1. I wanted to send you a Jacquie Lawson ecard for your birthday. They are such beautiful cards! I could not find an email address for you :( I am glad to hear you had lots of birthday messages! Enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs xo

  2. And you even baby sit on your birthday. Wow! You're your own gift Jo Anne. Honestly.

    Have fun this weekend and I hope the rest of the week is full of more surprises.

  3. Happy Birthday. Glad no one forgot and enjoy your dinner with family.

  4. glad you had a nice day Jo-Anne. happy birthday to you. nice that no-one forgot isn't it? enjoy your family dinner

  5. Oh, belated Happy Birthday Jo-Anne.
    Well, hope you had had a nice time with your parents and sisters♡♡♡
    Love and Lots of Hugs to you, Orchid*

  6. Happy Birthday. :)

    I have a rice cooker and I find it so useful. Just makes cooking the evening meal a little easier

  7. You mean that your daughter can't even take care of her kid on your birthday? Nice girl. Not too selfish. Happy B-Day.

  8. Well Happy Belated Birthday!

    Have a great day today, too.

    Hugs, friend. :)

  9. Happy Birthday Jo-Anne,
    Pleased they all remembered your day.

  10. Jo-Anne - Oh, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. I would have made you one of my special cakes! Happy Belated Birthday anyway, and I hope that the year ahead will be a good one for you. Hope you enjoyed the meal out with your family x

  11. Desiree......I have changed my settings so my email is showing now.

    SkippyMom......Yes I am to soft for my own good at

    Diane.....Thank you feels good when no one forgets

    Yevisha.......Thanks I am looking forward to lunch today

    Orchid......Your comment was posted on my birthday the

    Mynx....I have wanted a rice cooker for ages so I am happy to get one.

    Anonymous......My girls do not like anything to cut into their child free

    Jamie......Thank you I had a good day even little Leo went to bed without much trouble......also since your comment was posted on the 16th it wasn't

    Whiteangel......Thank you I had a great birthday.

    Thisisme......You didn't miss it like others your comment was dated the 16th which is my birthdate and I had a great day

  12. happy to hear you had a nice birthday

  13. so glad you had a good birthday sweetie, and more presents to come YEAH!

  14. happy birthday - glad that you had a nice day. seems a shame that your husband didn't want to be bothered to take you to lunch...

  15. Happy Birthday!


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