Sunday, 9 June 2024

Week 23 of 2024


Another wet day ahead by the sound of it, well according to the weather app on my phone.  It I s 12 degrees at 5.30am not as cold as yesterday morning.  Top temp of only 15 degrees.

Found a note telling me that Jessica’s toilet is broken and leaking from the bottom, it has been reported and now Sam has come here to use the toilet, Jessica has been going to Natasha’s to use her toilet.

Tim went out to put fuel in the car, we are going through more due to him working again.

Tim made crumb steak, chips and eggs for lunch I really liked it but Tim thought both the steak and chips were a little overcooked but not me, for me it was done just right.

It is 11.30pm and for the last hour & a half the top half of my body hasn’t stopped moving and I am so tired but decided to get up and sit for a half hour before going back to bed and trying again. I haven’t had a night like this since the increase in my medication.

After I went back to bed at 11.50pm after having something to help me settle and I did settle till 2am when of course I had to pee and then found I had to pee every hour or so, it was a long night of broken sleep.

Still up at 5am, the temp is 10 degrees at 5.30am.                  

I felt pretty cold this morning, Jess asked me to go over and wait while the plumber fixed the toilet which I did, I was just standing at the door wondering how I was going to get out of her house without falling when Sue arrived. I felt like crying, she helped me out as the plumber was done with whatever he was doing. I had to ring Tasha and tell her about water on Jess bathroom floor as there was no way I could clean that up.  Jess was in bed asleep.

I am annoyed that the new bra I bought has hook & eye closure at the back. I thought it was a pull on over my head type of crop top bra. I will check tomorrow if that is what I ordered.

Had a damn good night woke only once to pee then when the alarm went at 5am.  At 5.30am it was only 6 degrees, by midday it was 16 degrees.

Tim was home between 10.30 and 1pm, he had to have another ultrasound on his stomach.

I had a productive morning doing 9 household chores and by the time I was done I was exhausted.  So, then it was time to put my feet up and do nothing for a while. I am one of those people who likes to get as much done as possible first thing in the morning. 

Had another good night, woke at 4am to pee and then again at 4.55am which is when I got up and damn it is a cold morning temp of 6 degrees again but feels colder than yesterday.

Tim has another CT scan this morning, since starting this job he has had 4 different medical appointments but says today’s scan should be his last.

My blood glucose level was 4.1 this morning.

Tim was at the Xray place a long time they had trouble putting the cannula in and he was feeling frustrated when he got home.

By midday it was 18 degrees but still felt cold, the temp dropped to 15 degrees by 5.30pm.

I am feeling sad this afternoon, but I don’t know why.            



I am up, washed and dressed for the day, the temp is 10 degrees. My BGL is 5.5

Saw Jess as she got home from work, called out happy birthday so came over and we talked about nothing for about half an hour. I rang Sam at 7.10am as usual and she answered but at 7.30am no answer. I wasn’t bothered but when Sam had not turned up by 7.55am I started to head up and stopped to call for Sam just by yelling for her then I rang Jess, by this time it was nearly 8am and we had to get a move on the driver arrives between 8.05 -8.15am.

The day warmed to 17 degrees.

This afternoon I was feeling like I wasn’t important enough for Tasha to bother with, not how it is but how I felt, I rang to ask her why she hadn’t got back to me about helping me tomorrow, she could tell I was upset and came down to talk to me. We had a long chat about how I was feeling and afterwards I felt better, not great but better.

Had a reasonable night, I was restless around 11.30pm last night and got up had a walk around the house and went back to bed at 11.50pm and went straight off to sleep. I slept till 2.30am then had to pee but straight back to sleep then again at 3.30am, followed by 4.50am which is when I stayed up.

It was 11 degrees at 5.30am and my BGL was 5.3. The temp was 13 degrees at midday.           

It is also a wet morning, I had to get Jess to walk up with Sam.

Also, around 7.45am I started to feel drained and having difficulty concentrating on stuff and a bit confused. I sent Sue a message as I do each morning and she was so worried she came to check on me, she said I looked awful, and I felt awful and extremely tired. I ended up having a nap in my armchair after which I was much better.

Sue rang me at 11.45am to tell me Sandy is very sick and has been taken by the ambos to hospital her BGL was 2.1 and her blood pressure so low it was unreadable. This is because she has gastro and is seriously underweight at only 40kg, which is about 88 pounds for my American readers.

At 2.30pm Sue rang in a state as our brother who was supposed to be taking over watching Sandy’s kids from Sue rang and said he wanted Sue to spend the night.  She could not do that and was having a meltdown.   I got angry with our brother as I feel that he and my SIL do not understand how hard it is for Sue to function at times.  They don’t understand about her BPD. I sent him a message and Sue could not stay with the kids and something else was in fact worked out so Sue could go home.

Had a good night after the heartburn was gone at 5.15pm yesterday I suddenly got pain in my chest between my boobs bad pain after about 5 minutes I felt like I wanted to burb but couldn’t.  I spent the next half an hour in pain with Sam comforting me and pouring me fizzy drinks to help make me burb after I finally did, I was right and settled down for the night.

Read on Facebook that Sandy is home now and doing better she isn’t well, but she isn’t as bad as she was yesterday.

The temp at 5.30am was 10 degrees and my BGL was 5.1, by midday it was a nice warm 19 degrees.

I went down to Coles with Tim to get a few things and managed ok, came home to find Tash was using the dryer and of course Tim went off about it, which pisses me off he is making a mountain out of a mole hill in my opinion. Also got scripts while out cost me $211 but that is for the month and for a total of, I think 7 different meds, one of which isn’t on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme or PBS which is $69.







  1. Explain to the doctor writing the scripts that you cannot buy any medicines that are not on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme. It is rarely a problem as there are plenty of alternatives available.

    1. I have asked about that and was told there wasn't an alternative for that medication but I might ask again, thanks for that reminder that I can do that

  2. Sounds like a week of ups and downs!

  3. You show so much determination in the face of problems that would unravel so many. God bless you and yours, Jo-Anne!

    1. Thank you, I just see myself as someone who is doing her best day after day with help and guidance from God

  4. What's wrong with Tash using the dryer?

    1. Stuffed if I know but Tim gets a bee in his bonnet over it

  5. That wasn't much of a fun week. Keeping Sandy and Sue (and the rest) in prayer. Have they found anything about Tim's stomach?

    1. Thank you for your prayers concerning my sisters as far as Tim's stomach haven't heard anything which usually means they found nothing abnormal

  6. Hope you're feeling a little better today.
    Kind regards

    1. Today is starting out well, let's hope it stays that way


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