Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Glass Frog


Tuesday is creature day and this week’s creature is the Yuruani Glass Frog. These frogs can be found in Central and South America. Their habitat is generally wet lowland forests near streams or rivers. They are usually found on leaves of shrubs; they also frequent waterways with brilliant red jasper rocks.

Its skin covering its belly and chest area is transparent so you can see its internal organs like its heart and bones. They are only small, around 2cm long. There are sticky pads and webbed toes that allow it to lay its eggs on the underside of leaves that hang over water. When they hatch the larvae fall into the water.

Its back is yellowish-green with lime blotches which blend perfectly with the leaves on which they live. It also has bulging golden-brown eyes.


  1. Shoot, I never see the ones that Misty chases...

  2. Another fascinating creation from God.

  3. Wow! They are so unusual. Thanks for sharing.

  4. They look fragile, as if they need to be protected

  5. That is one cool looking critter!

  6. My goodness! That is the oddest thing!!!


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