Friday, 28 June 2024

Parkinson's and Exercise


Hello everyone on this cold Friday morning, here is a little more about Parkinson’s this week I want to talk about exercise something many will thing is too difficult for someone with PD to do but also something those with PD need to partake in.

It is understandable that when someone is having trouble standing and other mobility issues to shy away from exercise and at times well-meaning family and friends trying to be supportive end up making things worse as the person with PD ends up sitting around on their ass all day doing bugga all. Yes, I am referring to myself here, that is what happened with me.

In some cases, once someone is told they have PD they are given the impression by the medical people that it is up to the drugs to help fix things.

However, exercise and physiotherapy play an important role and this I was not told by any doctor.

I found things changed a lot in me when at Natasha’s insistence I started doing some simple and easy exercises while either sitting or holding onto furniture or a wall. They consisted of leg lifts and twisting my body and walking on the spot all of which can be done while seated if needed. I went from not being able to get in and out of our car to back to getting in and out without a problem.

When you have PD, you must keep your body moving which sounds strange as our bodies rarely stop moving but we need structed movement like lifting our legs and twisting and turning our bodies.

I found one place to get instructions about how and what to do from YouTube where there are countless clips showing you the right way to do things.

I have now started using Natasha’s powerfit which for those who do not know is a balance board that vibrates standing on it isn’t something I could have done a year ago, and now I can only manage to stand for 3 minutes before needing to sit. The vibrations last for 10 minutes and I go from standing to sitting to standing to sitting again.

What is most important is to start doing some kind of exercise each day and our bodies will not become stiff and sore due to PD sooner than need be.




  1. I’m so proud of you! You are such an inspiration and this information you share is vital especially to those with Parkinson’s disease. Instead of doing nothing, you’ve turned yourself around and have become quite the advocate for those who suffer or know someone who is. I applaud you!
    What you say about moving our bodies is for everyone. We don’t have to be athletic just move the body daily! Not to mention it’s good for our brains as well.
    I really am enjoying your positive progress as you learn to live a different way.

    1. Thank you, I am glad my thoughts have become more positive when it wasn't that long ago such positive thoughts were in the toilet, thankfully they didn't flush away just stuck to the sides till I could recover them.

      Hell yeah we all need to move our bodies to keep them from getting rusty and seizing up. I also like to exercise my brain by researching posts and doing word games on my tablet.

  2. That's great, Jo-anne! Good advice. :)


  3. Some of the exercises shown above look quite rigorous. I hope you take lots of care with the problematic areas in your body :)

    1. That I do and if I am unable to do an exercise I will do a modified version of it

  4. Good for you Joanne ... for taking charge. A little exercise is good for ALL of us ... to keep us moving easier. I admit, I procrastinate, but when I do even a little bit, I feel SO much better. Proud of you!!

    1. Procrastinate I think that's Tim's nickname, thankfully it isn't mine.
      I am pleased you are proud of me makes me feel good


  5. These are valuable tips, I hope many people who are concerned read them.

  6. Exercise is so great for all of us whether we have PD or not, Jo-Anne. I'm proud of you for making an effort to exercise regularly. Blessings!

    1. I may not do a lot of exercise but I do some each day and I am happy with that

  7. Well, I am sorry you have this - but glad you are trying to help yourself and others. ♥

    1. Thank you it is a small thing I can do writing about these things

  8. Those look like good exercises. I was given a few of those for my back issues. Of course I need to do them but haven't lately. Let's make sure we do these things each day or at least a few times a week. Our health is very important.

    1. Yes exercise is important and we don't need to do a lot we just need to do some each day

  9. It's great that you have the board to practice and it's so important to do something... the human body is designed for movement and so we need to comply - and move as often as possible.
    A hug for you.

    1. Yes I am liking the board it will strengthen my leg and abdominal muscles and help with my balance

  10. Well, God bless Tash! Sounds like a fine program.

  11. Hey, excellent. I learned something here. I didn't know..and I am glad to learn there ARE physical exercises that do indeed help!

    1. Yes they are helping not just my body but my mindset

  12. This is great. Very informative.


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