Thursday 20 June 2024

BPD and Psychotic Symptoms


Here we are at another post about borderline personality disorder or BPD and this week we are looking at psychotic symptoms.


Around 20-50 per cent of suffers will have psychotic



So, it seems that when under extreme stress, those with BPD may experience what we call psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions or some other form of extreme paranoia. What the hell this condition really sucks.


Can you imagine how it must feel to firmly believe that someone is out to harm you or that impending danger is just around the corner, with something terrible going to happen to them.


Thankfully those things are not every day common place, but they can happen. What I far more common is dissociated traits such as having the feeling of being detached from your body or from life itself. Even though I don’t have BPD I have experienced this dissociated when I felt like I was outside of my body watching things happen. I have only experienced it once.


I didn’t realise that dissociation can cause memory issues most likely to happen when the person dissociates regularly and for long periods of times.


So, it is not unusual that people with BPD will dissociate into safer states, these states may look like a completely different person. By this I mean they may regress into that of a child, or a stronger personality then they feel they really are. This doesn’t mean they have multiple personalities. It is referred to as splitting and it is something they may or may not be aware is happening. It is a way of coping.


These symptoms may be so severe that people with BPD may be mistakenly diagnosed with schizophrenia this is because BPD is often misunderstood even by healthcare professional.





  1. Man, what a mess. I hope I only encounter it in bad dreams.

    1. Yeah living with this would be hard, but as Sue says things are better with medication

  2. Interesting. I think my sister might have had borderline personality disorder. In my young days I had a friend who had schizophrenia and one night we were all partying and she thought the buttons on the chair pads were faces of demons and each one was talking to her. Freaked us all out. Very sad.

    1. Yes it would be sad to see someone acting in such a strange way and there is generally bugga all we can do to help

  3. How awful to have to live with all of this. :(

  4. It makes you wonder just what causes these disorders in some folks and not all of us. Sad to say the least!

    1. Yes I have wonder how one person in a family can be the only one with such a disorder and why do they have it, questions I have no answers for

  5. An horrific way to live, indeed, Jo-Anne. May God help and bless those who have to suffer in this way.

    1. I pray and ask God to help those with such disorders learn how to cope and manage them

  6. That sounds scary to have those episodes. It is very sad. I am suffering from extreme anxiety and depression and we haven't found anything to help me yet.

    1. It can be so hard to find the right help, the right drug that helps so often it is trial and error a few times before finding the right fit for a person



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