Monday, 10 June 2024

Costa Rica


It’s Monday, it’s cold but it isn’t wet and there is no school due to the King’s birthday holiday. This week are looking at Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is located between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It is a rugged, rain forested Central American country. The name Costa Rica literally translates to “rich coast”.

Roughly a quarter of its area is made up of protected jungle, teeming with wildlife including spider monkeys and quetzal birds.

It is home to cultural institutions like the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum, Costa Rica is known for its beaches, volcanoes, and biodiversity.

Though its capital, San Jose, it has a population of around 5 million and currency is the Colon with Spanish as it’s official language.

The national flag of Costa Rica is based on a design created in 1848 and consists of two blue stripes, two white stripes, and a central red stripe which is twice as wide as each of the other four.

As to how safe it is to visit well the U S Travel Advisory site says exercise increase caution while there and Australia’s Smart traveller site has it as high level of caution needed while there. Other sites say it is a safe place to visit I guess it just depends on what is happening at any given time.

It's ranking on the Global Peace Index is 123, what that means I don’t know, Australia’s ranking is 22, the United Kingdom is ranked 37 and the USA is ranked at 131. Oh, and last week’s country Nicaragua is ranked 123. I don’t know what it means but found it interesting.



  1. I didn't know they had a safety ranking for countries.
    Have heard Costa Rica is beautiful! :)

    1. I knew they did but how reliable they are I am unsure of

  2. Be good views of the sea if you lived there Jo-Anne. Don't know much about the country, thanks for posting about it..

  3. I would like to see the cultural institutions like the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum, the National Culture Centre and Democracy Square.

  4. Lots of places in Latin America are a hot mess right now. No, I don't think it would be safe to travel there.

  5. You know it seems that everyone likes Costa Rica and a lot of people are moving there from here.

    1. Yeah I have heard it is a beautiful country but didn't know about it being a popular place to move to

  6. I'll have to look at that safety thing. Great find!

    1. Yes I would like to know more about that and how reliable and accurate the ratings are

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