Sunday, 2 June 2024

Week 22 of 2024


I don’t feel as cold this morning, it is 10 degrees, I slept well and feel good this morning. Well, the temp went up to 12 degrees by 9am but by 9am I was so cold I was shivering. I was seated in my armchair with 2 crochet rugs over my legs.   I sent Sued and Sandy messages about how cold is, gave Sue a laugh the way I said whatever it was I said.

Jess needs someone (because she is a big baby) to ring housing to tell them she has a broken window. She has no idea how it got broken but suspects it was a bird flying into it as they have done that many times.   I tried to report it online but there was no option to suitable, so I asked Tim to ring and report it. He said to ask Tasha to do it.  Talk about passing the buck.  I suspect I will have to ring tomorrow to do it.

Jess came over and she and Tim had a long talk about the roads around the Uni, as Tim will be doing Uni runs with his new job and Jess is a security guard at the Uni

The temp got to 20 degrees.

Up at 4.52am to pee, so stayed up and had the heater in the lounge-room on and the one in the bathroom while I washed and dressed. It was only 8 degrees at 5.30am.

I had to turn the heater on for a little bit as the cold was giving me a headache. By midday it was 19 degrees.

Tasha went and bought me bread, if you have bread then you have something to eat.

I rang up about Jess’s window and someone came out this afternoon and replaced it.  Tasha met the guy and spoke to him, and I hung around while he did the job, Tasha went to meet Sam as it is the school’s early day.

Up at 5am after a good night only woke once to pee which was at 1am., it was 8 degrees at 5.30am and by 9am it was 12 degrees.

No school for Sam today as it is the sport carnival.                 

Tim arrived home at 10am, he is finished for the day as he has two appointments this afternoon, one with the physio and one with our GP.

By midday the temp was 18 degrees.

Tim got an email from the Uni about something I didn’t understand, and I thought but didn’t say maybe someone in security may know, it wasn’t till Tim went over to speak to Jess that my brain woke up, Jess is a security guard at the Uni and yes, she understood the email and explained it. It is an app he needs to download and use every time he goes there. It is to prove he has a right to be on the property he must sign in and out again each visit.

A bloody cold start to the day, with a temp of only 7 degrees, slept well woke twice to pee and settle again easily.  

Tim said he will be home at 9am and he has yet another medical appointment.

By 8am it was still only 10 degrees.

Sandy rang her car had broken down and she was looking to borrow ours, but Tim is working and has the car.

By midday it was 18 degrees and by 1p it was a nice warm 21 degrees.

I have cleaned the front and back sliding doors, not a professional looking job but good enough.

Another good night we have a temp of 6 degrees at 5.30am.

I bought a new black long sleeve singlet size 18 and this morning when I put it on it felt tight around the upper arms I am hoping after a bit it will feel ok.

By 9am it was 12 degrees, by midday it was a warm 23 degrees.

Sue took me for my eye check-up only got the reminder back in February, I can be slack at times doing stuff.

Sue rang to tell me that she appreciates how I am trying to understand her condition and how I am writing about it so others in the family can read about it if they want to and I hope they are.  The family needs to try and understand that this is a real and serious condition, this isn’t something she has chosen to have. It did make me feel good to know she appreciates my efforts.

Up before the alarm this morning as I woke up at 4.50am and just got up, it isn’t as cold this morning with a temp of 14 degrees at 5.30am.  There is the feel of rain in the air.

By midday it was 19 degrees, I had a lovely visit from Kelli and the kids, it was awesome seeing them. They were here 30-45 minutes. She also dropped off the wheelchair.

Sue rang me at 2pm and asked me something, I do not remember what and it was only 30 minutes ago, I mentioned that Kelli called in to drop off the wheelchair, she asked how they were I said fine didn’t go into any details though.

Got a message from Aus Post saying our parcel is in one of the parcel lockers. This is good, it means we can pick it up over the weekend.

It is the 1 June, and it is raining but it’s not cold in fact I didn’t need the heater on when I had my morning wash.

It was 5 degrees at 5.30am and only got to 14 degrees during the day.

The Pride Parade Sam wanted to attend has been postponed due to the rain.

Kathy rang and we had a good chat, Sydney told me about something that happened at school. Right at this time I cannot remember exactly what was said, I know it was a group thing and Sydney’s group came first. While on the phone I got a phone call from Sandy asking if Tim could pick Sue up at the Marter, she had another self-harm incident. He went and picked her up.

When I mentioned it to Sam as she asked where Papa was, she was wonderful, giving me a big hug and I told her Sue is the one with BPD and she asked if I understood what that meant. We then had a 15-minute talk about the condition and how hard it is to manage and live with. Sam was amazing.







  1. Temperatures are so relative... if it gets down to 10c here, people want to emigrate! Quickly!
    In other countries, people simply add a woollen scarf on top of their outfit.

    1. Yeah I was saying to my sister what we think is cold is far from it for many others

  2. I have to think ... and convert your temps from C to F. Yup .. that's chilly.

  3. I had an idea that you would end up having to call about the window. Good thing it's done

    1. Yeah, well I am mum and Saturday night Tim rang about her
      broken toilet

  4. Poor Sue. She's in my prayers.

  5. I'm glad that Sue is supporting you in your explanations about her condition. It's so nice to be appreciated and encouraged.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. Yes it makes us feel what we are doing is right when it's appreciated


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