Friday 2 June 2023


 We here we are at another cold Friday, heard on the news at 5am that the so called experts thing we are in for a not so cold winter but we will see.

Being Friday it is a day for Jo-Anne's thoughts but what are my thoughts, well I think that those who are suppose to be experts about stuff have bugga all common sense.

Common sense is something I feel so many do not have any more maybe the fact that we are pretty much a nanny state/country unlike when I was a child or even when my girls were little they would walk home from school. I drove my girls to school but from the time Kathy was in year 5 they would walk home from school. Now days it feels like children are always driven to and from school.

Yes children need supervision and yes left to their own they will get into mischief but children have been getting into mischief since the beginning of time.

Also it is natural for parents to worry about their children as there are bad people in the world, and bad things happen but that is how it has always been.

So many expect the government to support them instead of earning their own money by doing an honest days work.

The cost of living is high but that isn't a new thing throughout the ages the cost of living has been higher then most people can deal with. I do not know how some people manage on just what the government pays but it is better then having nothing like it once was.

My thoughts are all over the place this morning but that is pretty normal for me.


  1. Those were some valid thoughts and I agree with you. I think my boys were part of that last generation who were able to have fun as kids - I didn't make play dates for them - I just sent them outside to play with the neighbor kids. That's how I was raised as well. Around here, the streets are not filled with children like it used to be. Probably inside the house, playing on their phones.

    I feel really sorry for the kids these days. They think they have it so much better - but they don't and one day they will realize how much of their childhood has been taken from them, by adults.

    1. That is so true children don't realise how much they have missed out on but one day maybe they will.

  2. Agree with you Jo-Anne, the people have changed the world to how we used to live as in the children and of course other things.

    1. I didn't expect ato be alone with such thoughts but it is nice to read that others agree

  3. We live near the school, I never worried about my kids walking home, as they always did it in groups. I'll tell you what did worry me, seeing parents zooming up the street with their small kids in the front seat, no seatbelt, and hanging out the window.

    1. Oh yeah I understand that some parents don't take enough car with their children in the car

  4. It doesn't take an expert to lack common sense these days- they just stand out more. Too many "listen" to someone else but only hear themselves. I thank God for you.



Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...