Monday, 20 September 2021



Hello Monday, ya going to be a warm one again..............


Well ya all want some facts, so here they are..............

You know that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in America but did you know that every time the stones name is mentioned in the film the scene had to be filmed twice once for the philosopher's stone and again for the sorcerer's stone

The bagpipe was originally made from the whole skin of a dead sheep.

The poison arrow frog has enough poison in its body to kill about 2,2000 people.

Earth is slowing down in a few million years we won't have need for a leap year because one orbit will be exactly 365 days.

One-quarter of the brain is used to control the eyes.


  1. Leap Year fact: So all of those calendars we got printed a few million years ahead are worthless, huh?

  2. Very interesting facts. I wonder when will the leap year be taken off.

  3. Interesting facts. Fancy that one about the bagpipes, I wonder who thought of that.

  4. I hope I never encounter a poison frog!

    And if 1/4 of my brain activity controls my eyes, no wonder there doesn't seem to be enough brain power left over these days for other things. Hahaha.

  5. Chris..........Bloody oath

    Nancy.........I won't be here to see it

    Margaret D.........Yeah I know

    Kea..........Me too, and so true


Woman's work in war times

First up there is a new post over here: Now for today's post. During the secon...