Tuesday, 29 December 2020

My Christmas


The last post I will write for 2020 is here.

Christmas has been and gone for 2020 and it went off with fizzle no bang here. I have not been able to get into the festive mood this year. I was late getting decorations up and slack with my Christmas cards. I did manage to send out around 50 something cards.

Christmas Day was different instead of Jess & Leo coming here and open presents, Tim & I went over to here house a whole 25 metres or 82 feet away. I rode the scooter over and Tasha walked over, so it was noisy when Kathy rang and I felt that Kathy sounded a tad left out.

After presents opened Tim got ready for work and I got dressed to go over to Mum's for lunch. My brother Dave picked me up and drove me to Mum's.

There was a good turn up with Dave & Leigh with their girls as well as Sandy & Ed and their girls along with Sue & Les (her man), Dawson and of course Mun and me.

Lunch was alright just not the same, after lunch Sandy drove me home.

Boxing Day was held here and all 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren along with Kathy's fiance Michael. Tim bought KFC for lunch and Kathy made a potato bake. I bought a lemon meringue roulade for desert and Kathy had to say she doesn't like lemon meringue oh well I love it.

Not many photos taken because I am unable to take them.

It is a good thing that we don't do anything for NYE as so much is cancelled.


  1. It sounds like a lovely Christmas anyway, with family around you. It's been decades since I've spent the holidays with either my mom or my dad, we're so far apart geographically, each on opposite coasts and me in the middle. I'm glad you have people you love around you!

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    That sounds like a lot more compared to both of us here.
    You were together as a family and for me that is now over 37 years ago...
    We never did the gift giving on Christmas!
    For us it was CHRISTMAS and we went to Mass.

  3. Although it wasn't the celebration you are used to, it sounds like you did get to see a lot of your family.
    Stay safe. Happy New Year.

  4. Kea....My family live close by so I'm lucky

    Mariette..........Sometimes we forget that others do things differnt and not everyone is into Christmas

    Karen......It was a good day I wasaa just not 100% with it

  5. Jo-Anne, yes it is awfully hard to shrink a distance of 8,000 km into closeness for family...

  6. As long as you have time with family, it's a winner. But no, not like when we were small.

  7. Mariette.....Yes it would be

    Chris.......Things change


Week 11 of 2025

  I was up at 5am as per usual after a shower I was ready for the day even though I only had maybe 3hrs sleep last night. Kathy and family...