Sunday, 20 December 2020

Another December Week


Woke at 6 and up half an hour later. Opened the house and sent Tasha a text, she came straight down.

Been in a lot of pain with my left knee

Found Leo asleep in his room, stayed the night after watching a movie with papa last night. He didn't wake up till around midday.

Got up just before the alarm, open the house and Tasha arrived.

Suppose to be another cool day

Jess went out shopping for Christmas presents and came back with a lot of stuff.

From around 2.30 I started to feel like shit, shaking bad and all over the place turned out I had low BGL. Tasha came and gave me honey and a shower then bed for my book.

Woke with the alarm to a cool wet morning.

Tasha arrived shortly after and told me she took Blain to the hospital last night because if the rash he has, didn't get home till 5.30am. So no school for Blain.

Raining this morning so wasn't able to take Leo up wait for his driver.

Raining this afternoon so unable to go meet Leo.

Awake on and off all night and decided to get up at 5.50am and after 10 mins I was dripping in sweat, it is that muggy.

Last day of school for the year, I am looking forward to mornings without an alarm.

Cancelled all my alarms this afternoon.

I was having a foot bath this afternoon when Tash turned up to shower me.

No alarm this morning but still awake at 5.50am.

Tasha arrived after I opened the house, not dressed yet but still dripping in sweat.

First day of the school holidays and I feel excited like a kid, weird.

Been dripping in sweat for most of the day, so turned the air con of at 11ish.

Up at 5.30am and managed to have pee running down my leg, Tim sent Tasha a text and she came down to help me.

Had a shocking night waking a lot and having trouble getting back to sleep each time.

Turned the air con on at 8am because of how hot it is and how much I was sweating.

Kelli turned up to drop her kids off at Jess's for the night and while she was here there was an issue between her and Tasha the tension was so thick you could cut it. I however, chose to stay out of it, I love them both and chose to stay out of their problems.

Kelli is going to buy me the gift bags I need to do Christmas gifts

Jess is putting me to bed as it's Friday.

Managed to have a sleep in it was 6.50 am when I looked at the clock. I got up made my own breakfast, then Kathy rang to tell me that Syd has a birthday party to go to in Warners Bay at 10am so she will be here then.

Kelli arrived at 8.30 to help with the Christmas wrapping we got it all sorted in a couple of hours.

Kathy showered and dressed me then ironed her dad's work clothes before leaving.

Not as hot today, but cold and wet.

Dave then Sandy rang about mum, she was found in bed at 11 something. Turns out she took 3 sleeping tablets and 1 or 2 antihistamines. I think it is time to start putting it in her Webster pack.


  1. It is nice not having the alarm to wake us up but as we have gotten used to waking up early, with or without the alarm, we automatically wakes up early. It is good to some love ones to come in to help you shower and prepare breakfast for you. Now we are enjoying the cool monsoon days because of the rain but very soon, we have to face the hot sweaty days again when the weather changes. Take care and stay safe.

  2. Hard to leave that wake-up behind. Especially when the doggie needs to go outside anyway, trust me...

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    That was a miserable week with lots of health issues...
    Still am puzzled why you turn the airconditioning on and off as it needs to stay on in order to remove the humidity from the air! Especially with all your excessive sweating, one ought to pay attention to that. Airconditioning works both ways, it keeps the temperature at a certain selected level but above all, it dehumidifies the air! That is a great benefit for most people, regardless what health issues, be it respiratory related or in your case, the excessive sweating for whatever reason.

  4. Nancy....So true about our internal body clock alam.

    Chris It is a pain

    Mareitte......Yes it was I turn the air con on but at times Tim complains that it's not hot enough as he doesn't underdtand how it is to be sweatting so much even though he can see the sweat dripping off me, very frustrating. I often switch it to dry

  5. I was wondering as well about the air conditioning. You need it on. Maybe Tim could just not comment as it is for your comfort and needed?


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