Monday, 21 December 2020

More Xmas Facts

 Another Monday more facts so here we go.

The eight reindeers are Cupid, Dancer, Vixen, Dunder, Comet, Dasher, Prancer, and Blixem.

Santa comes bearing gifts for the children who have been good throughout the year. But do you know that Santa gets gifts too? Who gives presents to Santa? It’s us! Yes, even you can give gifts to Santa! And no, the jolly old man does not want traditional gifts, but he is a bit partial to cookies and milk to keep him satisfied during his trip around the world. So this Christmas, ask your children to help you while you make cookies for them and for Santa. Santa will love eating cookies made with love!

One of the best parts about Christmas is the Christmas cake, and we all love eating it. But does your child know what cakes are consumed during Christmas? It’s plum cake! The cakes we get to eat during the Christmas holidays are known as plum cakes but there are, in fact, no plums in the cake! Raisins were known as plums in medieval times and the ingredients were stirred in an East to West direction similar to that of the journey of the three wise men.

One of the reasons Santa can make his marathon runs through the day and give gifts to the kids all over the world is due to the help of elves. The merry spirit of Christmas is because of these cheerful workers and their commitment to the kids of the world.

Mistletoe is supposed to be a symbol of love, laughter, and compassion. And the tradition of a kiss under the mistletoe is supposed to a way of asking for the blessings of the spirits of Christmas through the mistletoe.


  1. Those aren't the names I learned for the reindeer. Is this some old origianl list?

  2. Couple of names are different there for the reindeers as to what I was taught but it doesn't matter at least they have names :)
    Interesting facts Jo-Anne.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Take care and be safe.

  3. Hi Jo-Anne - lots of interesting facts around Christmas ... personally I love Christmas cake and I think I always have ... but it's mid 20th C cake! All the best to you and the family ... take care - Hilary

  4. Interesting facts about Christmas. Which one is Rudolph the reindeer? I love Christmas cake but have not made one for a long, long time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021 to you and family.

  5. Thanks for sharing the facts. I remember as a child leaving out cookies and milk for Santa, of course, and a carrot for the reindeer. Sweet memory.

    I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday celebration, whatever that looks like for you this year. Merry Christmas!

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    A lot of old traditions combined it sounds like.
    Since we never have partaken in the Santa thing as for us Christmas remains forever purely Christian, we have no clue.
    Also the cookie and milk thing we never ever adopted and never will.
    Wishing you well on this shortest day of the year for us in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest for you in the Southern Hemisphere.

  7. The way I stir stuff, them Wise Men will be in Albuquerque with Bugs Bunny when I'm done...

  8. I left cookies and milk and cocoa too. This was a charming blog Jo-Anne. I enjoyed it so much. X

  9. Rita.....Dunder is new to me

    Margaret D.......Same here

    Hilary........I am not a fan of fruit cake aka Xmas cake

    Nancy.........Thanks, I don't like fruit cake

    kea,........You're welcome

    Mareitte.......No cookie and milkfor us beer and fruit cake

    Chris.........That made me laugh

    Katie........Many have donne


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