Monday, 14 December 2020

More Christma Facts

Hello another Monday in December that means it's fact day.

For children, Christmas is all about receiving gifts from Santa Claus. But how did Santa Claus come into existence? The character of Santa Claus is based on St. Nicholas. As per a legend, St. Nicholas was a Christian bishop who provided for the poor and needy. He also loved children and enjoyed giving gifts to them secretly. As his story spread, he was called Sinterklaas in Dutch, which later became Santa Claus.
So you and your kids probably know Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, who pulls Santa’s sled on Christmas Eve. But do you know other reindeers? It would be impossible for Rudolph alone to pull Santa’s sled, don’t you think? It is filled with gifts to the brim for every good child in the world, and Rudolph can’t pull that all alone. Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, is in fact, Santa’s ninth reindeer.

When Jesus was born, a bright star shone in the sky. Three kings followed this star and made a long journey to the birthplace of Jesus. They bore with them gifts of gold, frankincense (aromatic resin used in incense and perfumes), and oils

Have you ever wondered why people go door to door singing carols? The tradition is based on the English custom of wassailing, which was a tradition to toast to someone’s good health and fortune. St. Francis of Assisi took this tradition and converted it to the modern form of carolling.

The Christmas wreath is representative of the crown of thorns that Jesus wore. Eventually, the colours of Christmas – red, green, and gold were added. Red is said to represent the blood of Jesus, green is supposed to symbolize life, and gold stands for royalty and light. And the evergreen foliage used to make Christmas wreaths symbolises the continuity of life and nature even in the darkest days of winters.



  1. Great info here. You have a Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2021.

  2. Lovely to read Jo-Anne, well done in presenting it.
    Take care,

  3. Interesting facts. I have been listening to carols. Wishing you Merry Christmas in advance.

  4. All interesting. Have heard most of them, but you forget some. :)

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Indeed, it ware the Dutch that did bring Sinterklaas to the New World to New Amsterdam/New York at present. It then morphed into the English name of Santa Claus...
    History is interesting and even more so about Christmas the world over!

  6. Diane B..........Thanks, I'll try

    Margaret D.......Thank you

    Nany......They are

    Rita...Nice to know

    Mariette....Thank you, yes there is


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