Monday, 7 December 2020

Christmas Fact

 Hello Monday the first Monday of December being December I am doing some Christmas posts so here are some Christmas facts.

The origin or the use of Christmas trees goes way back to ancient Egyptians and Romans. They used evergreen trees like fir or pine trees, wreaths, and garlands.

The use of modern Christmas trees started in Germany in the 16th century. Instead of the glitzy decorations that we see on them today, they were decorated with fruits and nuts.

The use of the term ‘Xmas’ dates back to the 16th century. The ‘X’ in the word Xmas comes from the ancient Greek language. In Greek, Christ begins with the letter X. So, Xmas simply means Christmas.

Santa Claus initially wore clothes that were in green, purple, or blue. For many years, this was the common theme for the jolly old man at the North Pole. However, Coca Cola decided to dress him up in colours that match their brand and that stuck. So this is why he is always in red clothes now!

The Christmas wreath is representative of the crown of thorns that Jesus wore.

Eventually, the colours of Christmas – red, green, and gold were added. Red is said to represent the blood of Jesus, green is supposed to symbolize life, and gold stands for royalty and light. And the evergreen foliage used to make Christmas wreaths symbolises the continuity of life and nature even in the darkest days of winters.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Santa Claus did not originally come from the North Pole...
    Also, The Origin of Santa Claus interesting video:

  2. My dad was born in Germany, and when he was young they would have real candles on their tree. Yikes! Fire hazard! Lol.

    Regarding Mariette's comment, there's a difference between Father Christmas depictions and the modern Santa Claus, isn't there? Of course the modern version we see today would be tied to advertising and money, go figure. 🙄

    Oh, well, that doesn't alter the spirit and magic of Santa! 🎅

  3. Interesting facts. Have a wonderful new week.

  4. Just think, if Pepsi had been big then, Santa'd really have a blue Christmas!

  5. Some new tidbits of information here, but I was shocked to hear that Santa's colors came from a soda company.

  6. Interesting facts about Christmas. When I was a child we always called the Jolly Old Man "Father Christmas" not Santa Clause like the young ones do today.
    I am a child of the 50's from Adelaide, may be it was different in other states.

  7. My mother kept one of those very old Coca-Cola Santas. One of my sisters inherited it and as she did with most of her inheritance, sold it. It's sad to see such items go. You have interesting Christmas facts.


  8. Mareitte.....VERY INTERESTING

    Margaret......Thank you

    Kea........Yes it will be

    Nancy.......Thank you

    Chris........Yeah it would be

    Karen.......Yes indeed

    Rosie........Mum says much the same

    Janie...........That would lbe cool not the selling it bit


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