Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Hi everyone it is Tuesday here and Tuesday is creature day and today's creature is the Rat yeah thay very annoying little creature which can be found every bloody where.

They are smallish, furry mammals with four legs and whiskers and a pretty much near impossible to get rid of. If you see one it is usually either a brown or black rat as these two species have set up home all over the world (except at the poles) living in both countryside and towns/cities.

They do so well because they are incredibly adaptable, they can change lifestyle to suit whatever food is available and in fact they eat almost everything from leftovers to vomit.

The can jump, climb and swim allowing them to escape from danger, people often try and poison them but over time they become immune to the poison. They will increase in size and number because people dump more food waste which is a feast for rats.

Brown rats live for about 2yrs and black ones only 1yr, they are between 12 and 46cms in length depending on the species.

They can transmit disease if they bite or scratch humans and also by leaving their droppings and urine around the home. Humans can also get sick when rats contaminate their food or run across counter tops where food is later prepared


  1. Amazing creature but not nice..

  2. Kind of yucky - I watch a show here called Dr. Pol - a vet - some people even have pet mice!

  3. I had a pet rat but wild ones are a completely different thing. My pet rat was my favorite rodent I ever had. (Also had hamsters, guinea pigs, and mice.) She was just the sweetest thing! Loved to sit kind of around the back of my neck under my hair or on my shoulder no matter what I was doing. Just loved to be with me. I remember her fondly.

  4. Eeeek! Never like rats especially if one gets into my house. One given gave birth in my store room. No matter how clean we keep the house, somehow there are others coming from the neighbouring places. This is one creature I am sure no one will miss.

  5. Rats have a purpose. Just not anywhere around me. They do have cute faces. I don't dig their tails, though.

  6. I remember being little and there were rats in our sheds. Dad set traps, caught a few and tossed them into the field... next day the darn dog had drug one back up into the yard...

  7. Not that I'd want to be like a rat, but I would love to be that adaptable.

  8. Margaret D......So true

    Sandie......Yeah Kathy had pet mice as a child, she loved them

    Rita.......Sounds kinda cool and yucky at the same time

    Diane.....I agree


    Nancy.....Oh yeah, I can live without them

    Debby......Maybe they do

    Chris.....Now that's a funny story

    Karen.......Being that adaptable would be good

  9. Dear Jo-Anne, way back in the Middle Ages there was the pandemic "The Black Plague" that killed off a considerable percentage of the world's population. I've heard that rats were the cause. Is that true? Peace.

  10. I detest them. Ugly to the extreme and not useful for anything good that I know of.


Week 10 of 2025

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