Monday, 4 May 2020

Monday's Facts

Good morning world, life here is good still not going out but I do leave the house to take Leo up to meet his driver and again in the afternoon to meet the car when he is dropped off. I also take rubbish out to the bin.

It started out cold but is warming up, I am in long pants and a tee shirt, now some facts for this Monday.

More than 100 descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach have been cathedral organists

According to tests done at the Institute for the study of animal problems in Washington DC, dogs & cats like humans are either right or left handed meaning they have one paw they prefer to use over the other.

If you eat too many carrots you may turn orange

Americans can eat as much as 200 pounds of peanuts in their lifetime.........bloody hell

Rubber used to be used in the making of bubble gum............what the hell

In old England when customers in a pub got unruly the landlord would tell them to mind their pints and quarts and settle down. Hence the phrase “to mind your P's & Q's.


  1. Over here it is a mixture of cool and warm, usually raining in the afternoon or evening. All these facts I do not know. Have a great new week.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - lots and lots of carrots equals orange! This week will be reasonable - next week we're due an arctic blast! Take care - Hilary

  3. Interesting facts as always Jo-Anne.
    P's & Q's, that's a good one.
    How about the carrots, love 'em.

  4. I knew half of these but you always come up with some new ones to intrigue me. ;)

  5. Bach's progeny show its in the genes. Explains our family, lol

    I would say, according to that study, Misty is a left hander.

    And that peanut number is skewed, between all the people with peanut allergies- and me, because I don't like them.

    P's and Qs... makes sense!

  6. Nancy........A wet day here, I am hot then cold

    Hilary.......Yeah who eats that many carrots

    Margaret D.....Thank you

    Rita......I try

    Chris.....Yep the peanut one was a what the hell one, a bit hard to imagine , left or right pawed animals I get

  7. Katie is pretty much right pawed...


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...