Sunday, 10 May 2020

My last week

I had a little sleep in getting up at 7.15, it is another cold morning.
Tim at work, he had an early start so he will be home early.
Been a ok day didn't do much, didn't even answer any letters just watched some telly and read some blogs.

Up at 6.15 with the alarm, Jess & Leo arrived around 7.15am as she didn't need to drive to West Wallsend.

Bloody cold this morning, Tim had an early start so will be home around 2pm.
It has warmed up a bit but still cold outside.

Rang the school to find out what time gets out, they said 2.20pm every day till otherwise stated.

Spoke to mum she told me she had a stumble on Sunday night around 6ish she didn't fall she managed to catch herself by grabbing the entertainment unit. She was shaken and wanted to ring me but decided against it.

Up with the alarm as per usual, it is cold definitely time for warm pants and heaters although I don't have a room heater, just a small bar heater for the bedroom and a small fan heater for the lounge room.

Tim off today he had an appointment at the hospital with the ENT specialist, only to find when he got over there that they had changed it to a video appointment. However, because he was there he was seen anyway. The doctor, is continuing with his treatment but increased the dosage.

This afternoon Tim rode the scooter up to get Leo at 2.20 but no Leo turned up, so he rang the school and even though school gets out at 2.20, because Leo is in a special ed class he still has to wait till 3.20 to get picked up by his driver. Talk about annoying.
Mum forward me the letter Leigh wrote to the DoH about Mum staying in the house she has been in since May 1980.

Up and dressed with the alarm, I let Leo sleep till 7.30am he got up and ready straight away.
Another cool to warmish day, I cleaned out two drawers in the kitchen as well a load of washing and naturally I had to unpack the dishwasher and I am the main person to vacuum the lounge.

Tim home early from work at 2pm, he looked at the old microwave and found a blown fuse.
Mum not feeling great, runny nose, cough and headache.

Tasha told me she has agree to let a friend stay at her place for a couple of weeks, this is ok with me she can do what she likes.

Up and dressed with the alarm as was Tim, Leo arrived at 6.50am Jess didn't come in she just dropped Leo off and left.

I am annoyed as I couldn't get the Wii Fit remote to work.
I rode down and posted some letters.
Mum was upset when I spoke as both Sandy & Dave had been yelling at her about her idea to use the medication she has in the drawer and not get the Webster pack till they where finished. They don't want her to do that.
Spoke to Kathy she was good no longer sick and the girls are both good.

Up and dressed with the alarm, Leo helped me get my feet through my pants legs as my feet get caught.

A warmish day, Tim home at 9am for a few hours, he has a split shift.
Jess is going to help me get ready for bed as Tasha is taking Blain to his dad's where he is staying till the 20th.

I didn't get to say goodbye to Blain before he left for his dads.
Jess arrived here at 3.20 just as I was going to get Leo, so we both went to meet him.

Up at 8am, it was nice to have a sleep in, Tim was up already. Tasha came down early and helped me get dressed.

Last night Jess forgot turn on the camera and close the back doors, much to Tim's annoyance.

Kathy & the girls came over for a visit and it was great to see them.

Went with Tim over to Mum's it was fantastic seeing Mum we hugged and I kissed her check and yes we are not suppose to do that but we did and what's done is done, so there.
Tasha coming down to give me a good scrub down in the shower, I am looking forward to that, I don't have enough strength to give myself a good scrub.

Wanted takeaway for lunch but the shops where to crowded so I said not to bother.
I have been in a foul mood since.


  1. Well, that doesn't seem like such a bad week, though. Other than it getting cold for you guys. We had a record low yesterday for the date.

    Until I just now screwed it up twice, I didn't know 'though' was so hard to spell, lol!


  3. Chris......Yeah it was a pretty good week all in all

    Sandie......Thank you so true


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...