Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Rose of Jerchio

I seem to be having a problem with my Monday posts, I keep forgetting to do one, sorry for that.

Today is Tuesday a cold and wet day again, had to get Tasha to take Leo to meet his driver as it has been raining all morning.

Anyway it is plant day and today we looking at the Rose of Jericho this is a type of moss found in the Mexican desert and can stay dried up in a ball for months or years until enough rain falls for it to grow again.

The Rose of Jericho is also a type of tumbleweed, a plant that can dry up, detach from its roots and go rolling around in the wind. Some tumbleweeds just do this as a way of spreading their seeds around but the Rose of Jericho can turn green and start growing again once it finds water.

In fact there are two plants known as the Rose of Jericho or resurrection plants the other grows in Arabia and North Africa and is related to cabbages.


  1. That is a very interesting plant. I have heard of it but didn't know anything about it. Thanks.

  2. I think I have heard about this before, but the post is very interesting!☺

  3. A pretty fern when in green or brown. Happy Tuesday.

  4. That is very interesting Jo-Anne. Flowers and plants can do amazing things.

  5. That's what I call survival! ;)

  6. Hi Jo-Anne - interesting plant ... love those sort - self-survival. Take care - Hilary

  7. Interesting - I did not know it was a tumbleweed - I thought it might be a real rose.

  8. Different kinds of tumbleweeds, eh? There's my new knowledge for the day!

  9. Very interesting facts about the tumbleweeds. That was fun.

  10. Cold and rainy here too.
    That Rose of Jericho is really pretty interesting looking.

  11. Rosie.......Yes it is, you're welcome

    Natalia......Glad you liked it

    Nancy.....Yes it is

    Margaret D.....I agree

    Rita......Amazing isn't it

    Hilary.....It is and I will

    Sandie.....Neither did I

    Chris.....Live & learn

    Marg......Thank you

    Karen......Fine and dry here and coolish not cold


Week 10 of 2025

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