Monday, 18 May 2020

More facts you may or maynot know

What a cold and wet morning here in Newie, normally when it's wet I don't go with Leo up to meet his driver because not good to use the scooter in wet weather. However, this morning Tasha was busy so I had to go with him.

This morning not long after his mum dropped him off he realised he had forgotten his phone and later he realised he had forgotten his blue hoodie jacket. Thankfully his mum agreed to take his stuff to the school for him.

Anyway here is this weeks facts.

The name “Jeep” is believed to have come from the abbreviation used in the army for the General Purpose vehicle, G P

The biggest tree in the world is a Giant Sequoia in California 83metres tall and 25 metres round.

Ambulances were developed by Napoleon's surgeon in his Italian campaign of 1796-97.

Actor Keanu Reeves first name means “cool breeze over the mountains” in the Hawaiian language

The Italian flag was designed by Napoleon Bonaparte.


  1. Interesting facts Jo-Anne.
    Beautiful day here but getting cooler now.
    Take care.

  2. I knew about the giant sequoia and Keanu, but not the rest. You always have interesting facts. :)

  3. Hi Jo-Anne ... I'm looking forward to warmth this week - so understand the cold feeling. I knew the first two - the others I hadn't realised. All the best for the coming week - Hilary

  4. These are interesting facts which I didn't know. Happy new week.

  5. Actor Keanu Reeves first name means “cool breeze over the mountains” in the Hawaiian language.
    I did not know that - have you read his life's story? He has been through a heck of a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Margaret D........Thanks still cold here

    Rita....,..Thanks I do try

    Hilary.....I like to enlighten

    Nancy......Hope your week is also good

    Sandie......No I haven't read it

  7. It's wet here, too, though not particularly cold. The Italian flag is a mild surprise, I knew the General remade society in a lot of ways, but not flag design too!

  8. Chris.....Yeah that was a surprise


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...