Sunday, 3 May 2020

My Week

Awake at 6 and up at 7am, Tim helped me get dressed before leaving for work.
Jess brought over Leo and groceries from Woolies she is leaving groceries and taking Leo home with her. She is also going to the chemist to get my meds for me and Tasha will get them from her tomorrow.
Tash also went and fetched groceries for me from Coles.
I had another chocking episode and then I dropped the plate and smashed it, Tash came and cleaned it up.
Spoke to mum somehow she ended up talking about the day dad died, which had us both crying.
I am exhausted this afternoon.

Awake at 6am, up after the alarm went off, got dressed in the bathroom so not to disturb Tim only to have him up 10 minutes later.
A wet morning woke to the sound of rain, which was nice.
A wet day, here so Tim took the car to work.
I set fire to the baking paper when I went cook my pie for lunch but no drama removed the tray and it went out.

Seems like a long day, I am exhausted and it's only 3pm.

Up with the alarm as was Tim, he helped me get dressed, it is so much easier and painless when I have someone helping me.
Rode down to post my letters
Not much to do today, no more letters to answer.

Up and dressed at 6.15, Jess and Leo arrived at 7am. The pants I was wearing were very baggy so I changed from the size 22 I had on into a size 16 pair a better fit. I have gone from a 20-22 down to a 16-18.
Leo has gone back to school and was happy to be going.
I went to the podiatrist she said I little to no muscle strength in my feet, which is why I am always stumbling.
I went to post some letters Jess's van was parked at Tasha's so I thought she would get Leo, however, as I was coming down the road I saw the van leave and stopped to speak to Tasha and find out if she had Leo.
She didn't, she had to nip home as there was someone there to pick up another work van that was stored at her place.
Leo said he had a so so day.

Up and dressed at 6.15, Jess and Leo arrived at 7am. The pants I was wearing were very baggy so I changed from the size 22 I had on into a size 16 pair a better fit. I have gone from a 20-22 down to a 16-18.
Leo has gone back to school and was happy to be going.
I went to the podiatrist she said I little to no muscle strength in my feet, which is why I am always stumbling.
I went to post some letters Jess's van was parked at Tasha's so I thought she would get Leo, however, as I was coming down the road I saw the van leave and stopped to speak to Tasha and find out if she had Leo.
She didn't, she had to nip home as there was someone there to pick up another work van that was stored at her place.
Leo said he had a so so day.

Up and dressed at 6.05am, did my morning exercise before Leo arrived . Started raining so Tasha had to walk Leo up to meet his driver.
It has been raining all day, Tasha made beef stroganoff which I choked on it but it was nice.
Been a long day ass day, its dragging on and its so dark.
Tasha will have to get Leo this afternoon as it is still raining.
Mum has been offered a 3bd house in Mahogany Cres, Gateshead, she will look at it tomorrow.

I woke with the alarm, got up and dressed in longish pants as it is bloody cold. Wore my warm pink dressing gown when I took Leo up the driveway.
Tim found the dead rat that was stinking up the lounge room and tossed it in the bush/creek behind the house, it was under my arm chair.
Mum told me she spoke to the Dept of Housing and asked if she paid the extra bedroom tax could she stay where she is and was told to put it in writing and take it into the office on Monday. I am concerned she will need to have it in writing that she is allowed to stay, I am worried in a couple of months they will be telling her she still need to move because her application to remain wasn't granted.

No alarm today just woke up at 6.45 am, got up dressed and ready for the day.
After talking to Tim I decided to ring Sandy and have a chat about Mum. I explained my concerns to her and stressed about Mum getting written permission to stay in the house she is in. Sandy said because of how sick she is she is unable to go with Mum anywhere and she thinks Dave or Leigh will go to the Dept of Housing for Mum.
I then rang and spoke to Dave, who seems to think they are going to hold the house she has been offered till a decision about her staying where she is, is made. Some how I doubt that.

Dave sent Tim a couple of photos of the camper-van he & Leigh bought and then they talked on the phone.

I went down and posted my letters on the scooter.
Tim shortened all Tasha pants as well as a pair of Jessica's by mistake, he was worried Jess would be mad but Tasha rang her and explained and even though she annoyed she saw the funny side and was ok.

Tim also hung all the laundry out on the line and of course got it off the line, he didn't fold it but can't have everything.
Tim got Jason (neighbour's son) to cut the back lawn.
I rang Mum she was home alone as Dawson had gone to a mates place for the night.


  1. You have had a busy week, and by the way, congratulations on the weight loss. Here it is Spring here in this Country and though we have the virus still here, I have put myself on a diet. Day three starting. 😀 So I hope I will be able to report some pounds lost as well.

  2. Your housing situation over there sure confuses me. But, that's my normal state, so all's well.

  3. So you choked, had an emotionally draining conversation with your Mum reliving the death of your dad, and had a fire in two days? I'd be exhausted too.

  4. Katie........Thank you, losing weight is hard

    Chris........Confusing how

    Juli....,....These things happen

  5. Confusing in all these permissions and being forced out of places. Here, we rent, we pay the bill, and as long as we do, we stay.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...