Sunday, 31 May 2020

Life here last week

Awake at 7am but didn't get up till closer to 7.30am another cold start to the day but not as cold as yesterday. Tasha put warm socks on me.
Blain came down when he got home for food. His mum has borrowed the small TV in Papa's room for Blain to use as his has packed it in she hopes to be able replace it in a few weeks time.
My garbage bins blew over and I didn't realise till I Tasha & Blain pick them up and move them to the carport.

I woke around 5.30 when Tim was going to work but stayed in bed till the alarm went off, another coldish day well coldish f or me but bloody cold for normal people.
Jess has a later start today.
Leo took a tub of custard with him to take his medication with at school, so I rang the school to let them know.
Tasha came down to show me a text from Jono about Blain's christening no he isn't christened but one was planned back in 2006 but didn't happen. Well Jono's grandmother a really nice lady showed him an invitation from back then and he wanted to know what the fuck. Tasha & I talked about that time I cried remembering the time and she will talk to Jono and remind him about that time way back when.
A cold wet day, Tasha was suppose to meet Leo but forgot, lucky Jess was already here and meat him.

Another cold and wet morning, I woke at 4.40am to pee but when I went back to bed I found it difficult to get back to sleep so I just laid there in the quite and dark till the alarm went off.
Tim on a split shift so home for 4hrs today.
This afternoon I went to get Leo at 2.30 but at 2.45 I came home and went back at 3.30 and he was dropped off at 3.40pm. His school finished at 2.20 which is why his driver thought he would be here by 2.40 but Leo and other transport kids had to hang around to 3.20.
Leo is here tonight
Mum wasn't sounding good when I spoke to her she was croaky and in pain with her lower back and shoulder.

I woke at around 5.20 but got up at 5.50am to visit the loo and decided to stay up. Tim got up at 6.30am and left for work at 7.15am.
Another cold but dry morning.
I rode down and posted letters
Been restless all day
Mum sounded much better today.
Not that cold today

Another early day for me awake around 5.30 laid there for a while before getting up to pee turned out to be 5.45 and I decided to stay up.
On Friday I rang the chemist and arranged for Leo's school meds to be made up in a Webster pack. I told Jess about it on Saturday and she forgot and when I mentioned it this morning, she told me it was my fault for not reminding her.
Tasha came down and gave me a shower at lunch time and it felt good to have a nice hot shower.
Leo here tonight.
I m in a lot of pain with my right arm, I can barely use it.

Awake again before the alarm but not by much a cold start to the day.
I am in a lot of pain with my right arm, I can barely move it.
Did a load of washing and hung it out to dry as it was easier then tossing it in the dryer, for me.
The pain is so bad I can't concentrate and have decided to go have a lay down, and use my hand massage machine.
I feel that bad I will go to bed when Leo gets here.

Awake and up at 7am left Tim sleeping, he got up at 8am. Had to call Tasha to help me dress, got dressed in the bathroom with the heater on.
Kathy & Summer came out and Kathy shaved my legs and under my arms. Summer opened my mail that Tim collected from post office box, there was 14 letters, 13 from pen pals and 1 junk mail.
Tasha & Tim picked up shopping for me, Tasha brought down a small homemade pizza for my lunch.
She shown us a photo of Jono's car the front passenger side window exploded on its own, Blain was sitting in the seat when it happened. No one was hurt there was only Jon, Blain & Freya in the car.
When I mentioned it to mum she reminded me of when the same thing happened with one of their cars when I was in my teens. The back window exploded mum said it was very loud, dad thought someone had shot out the window but no it exploded on its own.
The pain is so bad I just want to cry


  1. I really wish you felt so much better. *hugs* Sounds like you have had some rough days. :(

  2. So sorry that the week was a tough one. The pain will go away and not come back to disturb you. My hubby was having pain in the upper left arm, probably due to an old injury. Hugs. Stay warm and stay safe.

  3. I feel bad for your pain. Good that you have children willing to help. As cantankerous as they can be, I know a few who's kids wouldn't walk across the street to pee on them if they were on fire.

  4. I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I hope it eases soon.
    That exploding car window sounds like a terrifying situation, I can't imagine how that would happen.

  5. Sorry you’re struggling with the pain. There are days my knee screams with pain.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...