Sunday, 24 May 2020

Just another week

Had a shocking night last night around midnight I got up went to pee then came out to the loungeroom and took Saturday nights meds, which I had forgotten to take.
I had a late start it was 8.20 when I got out of bed.
Tim has a late start at work he will leave home around 10.15 and won't get home till around 9pm.
Been an overcast day, cool but not cold.
The new Bluetooth speaker works great, love it.
Had a so so night kept waking up for a short while then falling back asleep. I still got up when the alarm went off, had my morning wash and got dressed.
A wet morning and somewhat cold but I still have a singlet top on and not feeling cold.
This morning not long after his mum dropped him off he realised he had forgotten his phone and later he realised he had forgotten his blue hoodie jacket. Thankfully his mum agreed to take his stuff to the school for him.

Been wet all day but not that cold, Tasha was suppose to meet Leo this afternoon but waited too long to go meet him but Brian dropped him off anyway.

Felt a bit restless this afternoon not sure why.

Still cold and wet but suppose to be fine and sunny, we will see.
I woke at 5.50am to pee so I stayed up anyway. Even though it is cold I am still in a singlet top.
Leo left on time but moments later he ran down the driveway past me yelling he had forgot his phone, he ran inside and got it he then ran back to his driver.
Rang the doctor surgery they said he would ring me sometime today as I need a script for pain relief patch, he rang at 3.30pm and Tash or someone will need to pick up the script.
Leo here for the night

When I was turning my alarm off this morning Kathy rang me she said I had rung her so she was ringing me back. I don't know how I did that.
Everyone got up at the same time this morning, Leo likes to be awake when Papa leaves for work doesn't matter if it is as early as 4am, he needs to say goodbye and give Papa a hug.
Rode down and posted off 7 letters, I received 7 letters myself yesterday.
Had to borrow another book as I finished the one I was listening to. I get through 1 or 2 a week.
Jess downloaded some podcasts she thinks I would like to my phone, so I will see how that goes.

Up with the alarm as usual suppose to be coldish and wet but it is fine at 6.30am.
Jess arrived around 7am and left at 7.30 as she only has 3 students this morning.
At midday the hospital rang and asked if I could go over early, so we did. There was no problem having Tim with me as I was on the scooter. I was in and out pretty quick.
She (Dr) wants me to have an ultrasound to check my bladder. She also wants me to see a physio to get exercises to strengthen my pelvic floor which is shot and some bladder retraining.
I also have to see another Dr for some other tests. I will make phone calls tomorrow. I also need to get a script filled and take some tablets.
Had Macca's for lunch haven't had that in months.
Spoke to mum she had a bad night last night with restlessness, she relies on medication to get to sleep which is ok for someone her age, I guess.
Leo here tonight.

A bloody cold morning, got up with the alarm and got dressed in the bathroom with the heater on. Suppose to be a cold, wet day but we will see, I was able to go with Leo to meet his driver and bloody hell it was cold out there waiting.
Tim has gone to the chemist today as he is off. He was surprised at how much it cost, the script the gynaecologist wrote will cost me $80 so I will get it next week.
Jess here to help me get ready for bed, as Tasha drove Blain to his dad, he will be back on Sunday.
Very cold when I was waiting for Leo this afternoon.

Slept in till 8am after a restless night, had all the girls and grandchildren except Blain were here. It was great having them all here. We had pizza for lunch.
Threw a load of washing on when I got up and Tim said to toss them in dryer, which I did.
Leo got his school photos yesterday and hates them says he looks dopey or high but everyone has school photos they don't like. I know I did.
Been a cold day all day although I have been hot and cold on and off all day.


  1. Hope you will feel better soon and you will be able to sleep better. Stay warm and stay safe.

  2. I often have problems sleeping.

  3. Sounds a little more normal there than here right now...

  4. Nancy......I am warm, safe and happy

    Rick.......Sleeplessness and restlessness suck

    Chris......Well that's good??? I


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...