Monday, 11 May 2020

Did you know maybe you do

Hello Monday, how is everyone?
Me, I am well ok I have a tight chest and feel worn out but I am hanging in there.
Here are today's random facts..................

The cone shape dunce's cap, once used in the classroom, originates from a paper cone that was placed on the heads of accused witches during t he middle ages

A man can spend up to 106 days of their lives shaving

The human tongue tastes bitter things with the taste buds at the back, salty things in the middle of the tongue and sweet stuff at the tip of the tongue.

If you put a raisin in a class of champagne it will float to the top and sinking to the bottom when the champagne is flat.

The expression “tit for tat” come from “dit vor dat” meaning “this fir that” in Dutch.


  1. Didn't know those things - I have been enlightened.

  2. Oh, I didn't know all these facts.

  3. Raisins in champagne... hmm...

  4. If you put a raisin in a class of champagne it will float to the top and sinking to the bottom when the champagne is flat. - didn't know - hope you feel better.

  5. Never heard that champagne one, I may need to try that.

  6. Margaret D........As long as you like being enlightened

    Nancy.......Now you do

    Chris.......Yep interesting

    Sandie....Strange indeed

    Karen......I thought that as well


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...