Wednesday, 6 November 2019

This and That

Bloody hell I forgot to hit save and some how managed to loss all I have written before going out, not happy Jan..................

Natasha has spoken to me about selling her car and saving up for another car and while she is without a car she can borrow ours when needed. I do not expect Tim to be happy but her car is a money pit and needs $3,000 worth of work done to it.

This morning Jessica & I had an appointment at a high school about Leo he has been accepted into a MC class we are not happy with the school as getting him fthere and back will be difficult. However, he needs to be in a support class as he will not cope in main stream.

An MC class is a multicategorical class these classes are for students who have similar moderate to high support needs in a regular school. Students may have one or more disability types, these may include autism, emotional disturbance, moderate to severe intellectual disability or physical disability.

While out that way Jessica & I called into the cemetery to see dad.

Tim is home now he had an early start and early finish.

It is another hot day here in Newie.


  1. Always lovely to visit a parent or parents in the cemetery - it's 11 years today since my dear mum passed.

  2. The new school might be really good for Leo, though, even if it is harder to get him there and back. I hope he likes it and does well. :)

  3. I hope he likes his new school and it is good for him.

  4. I'm with everyone else. The important thing is Leo getting what he needs. Hopefully this will be it.

  5. Margaret.........Yes it was nice, I miss dad so much

    Rita.....He seems ok with the news, he will be there next year

    SANDIE.....Me too

    Chris.....Yes same here and he needs help at school

  6. I think we've all been there forgetting to save something. It's a horrible feeling. I hope you find the right spot for Leo that works for everyone, and I'm glad you stopped in for a visit with your dad.

  7. Does your school system have a bus system that the students can ride back and forth to school? Here you may use the school bus if you are at least a certain distance from the school.

  8. I’ve deleted my posts before saving them too. Not fun.

  9. When a car needs $3000 worth of work, it's definitely time to cut your losses.
    I hope Leo ends up in whatever class offers him the most support and ability to achieve all he's capable of.

  10. Carol.......Yeah it is so annoying when it happens, me too regarding Leo

    Katie.......Yes but there is a bus system but for Leo we can get assisted transport that will pick him up from here each day

    Rick.......No it isn't

    Karen.......That's what I think about cars. We will send him to the high school where he has been offered a spot

  11. You know, both parents of mine are too far away for me to be able to visit. I so wish I could.

  12. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    The daily little things in a 3-generation family's life.
    One always hopes for the best opportunities for children and grandchildren.
    Cars can really drain one's budget... Good management and careful driving with skill and technical feeling for keeping your motor train happy and adding life to it is a must!
    Good for you to visit together your Dad's grave...
    My Dad got cremated, just as Mom.
    We only treasure the memories and I'm fortunate to have many!

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