Sunday, 3 November 2019

Another week that was

I woke up at around 7am, Tim back at woke today.

Tasha did forget my Pepsi Max no surprise there.

Jessica rang at 10.30 to say she was getting ready for a bath and would be here soon. She arrived just after midday. Her and Leo left around 1.30pm.

Kathy brought over the shopping and while here she wrote out my Christmas gift list.

We spoke about how often I ring or get rung by my siblings, answer is I/we don't. We chat when we see each other but we don't go out of our way to do so.

Monday I was up at 6.30am, decided to go to aqua, however, I had zero motivation and lost my balance and fell over in the pool. I got out as soon as Tasha arrived.

Sue's birthday sent her a voice text and also on Facebook.
Tuesday and not as hot today, I was still up at 6.30am.
Had to have a lay down at 10.30am for a hour or so.
Been very tired all day.
Leo is here tonight.

I slept in this morning getting up at 7.15am instead of 6-6.30am.
Found Leo asleep on the floor in the hall out side his door. He had a terrible nights sleep.

He got up and ready for school without a problem.
I am supper tired.

Also when I went to get out of my arm chair the foot rest wouldn't go down, so that is another arm chair I have broken.
Up at 6.30am again, going to be another hot day. Also my brother's birthday.

Leo is going trick or treating with his Mum and Kelli and her kids, so will not be here till around 6.30pm.

I expect that I will be in bed by the time he arrives.
Awake at 5.45am but after peeing I went back to bed for half an hour, so I was up at 6.15am.

Been feeling blah all morning, Jess feels the same way today as did mum.

When she dropped me home she forgot to get my shopping out of the car, thankfully she was at Tasha's when I rang her.
I have been feeling a tad better in the afternoon but still not great.

I am feeling like shit today, upset tummy and headache. I woke at 6am but I was feeling like shit so we went back to bed at 8am.
By 9am I said to Tim that I was going to ring her but as I picked up the phone she was pulling up.

She was in a state because she was running late and nothing was going right. She couldn't find her black work pants or a singlet.
Because after working last weekend she forgot to bring me her work clothes to wash and store in my wardrobe.

However, a few hours later when she was alone she rang to apologise for snapping at everyone. She had a 4.5hr break while the people she was driving was at the races.

Leo has decided to stay the night.

Sunday now and time to post this.


  1. Now just so you know, you can get a Pepsi Zero Sugar (what they changed the name of Pepsi Max to here) at our place anytime- that's all I drink.

  2. Chris.....I don't get why they need to change the name

  3. Y'know, I have heard those very complaints here. I think that perhaps the packaging was too similar or the name wasn't generating sales. Changing it to Zero Sugar caught the attentions of type 2's like me who never knew max was zero sugar. It must have worked, b/c Coke came out with a zero-sugar brand too

  4. There's not a while lot worse than getting up feeling really badly and not having any improvement during the day!


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