Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Life lately

Good afternoon, everyone how is everyone this Wednesday afternoon?

I am well even though I am aching all over as per usual and my jaw is moving a lot.

Some people may have noticed that at times that comments I leave may at times look like it is incomplete this is because at times I accidentally hit publish before I am ready. I hope people understand when this happens

We have had some bloody stinking hot days with horrible fires all over, thankfully they are not around me although the school at one end of the street was closed yesterday but the one at the other end that Blain goes to was open as per usual as was Leo's school. My granddaughters also had to go to school.

Yesterday Tim left his mobile phone at home when he went to work, Natasha rang the office and asked them to let him know, so he didn't think he lost it on the way to work. He said because he didn't have it his night was long and boring, he spends a lot of time watching stuff on his phone. He said it made him think of the days before smart phones.

Yesterday I also spent a few hours doing the calendars for next year but it is now done and this year I didn't stuff it up.

Tasha just rang and asked if I would cook up my packet of popcorn for her and of course I did.


  1. I love popcorn and whilst away was able to buy different varieties of popcorn which was yummy.
    We miss our smartphone when we don't have them - they do fill in time whilst waiting or whatever.
    Wondered about the fires and where you lived, so pleased you are not affected, do feel for those that are, it's so sad for everyone and everything.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - the fires seem really difficult for the east coast. I'm glad you've got your calendars done ... relying on our cell phones seems to apply to so many of us .. take care and I hope you carry on feeling easier. Cheers Hilary

  3. You are having summer now and we are cold here in Georgia. I am sorry you do not feel well. Sandie

  4. So why was the school down the street cancelled if the fires aren't close? I'm so confused...

  5. The fires sound like a horrible situation, I hope you stay safe.
    And I love your new look here on the blog.

  6. Margaret....I know some who do not like popcorn but I do like it and can remember when you could buy lots of flavours sadly not any more here

    Hilary......So true about the phones

    Sandie.....Today I am feeling like shit

    Chris.....Because of the smoke and the heat but I thought it was weird

    Karen......Thank you

  7. I think we would be better off without smartphones. People would communicate more.

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  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....