Tuesday, 5 November 2019


Hello everyone, Tuesday again here we are with another creature that you may or not have heard off. This weeks creature is the swift...................

A swift is a bird if you didn't know, they have tiny legs with hooked claws to help them when they land on tree trunks, walls or chimneys where they make their nests. If it was land on the ground it would find it hard to take off again.

They also have long narrow wings and large tails that make them perfectly built for gliding, twisting and turning in the air. They swoop around in groups chasing and catching flying insects to eat. They'll also cover large distances to track down the best insect swarms.

A swift can fly up to 900km or 560ml in a day and up to 5 million kilometres in a lifetime, because they can hunt, eat, meet a mate and even sleep while flying. They don't need to land except to build a nest and raise chicks, which they do at 2 or 3 years of age.


  1. They are similar to the swallows we have around here but different coloration. Pretty little birds! :)

  2. How interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Huh. I'd never seen one before. Interesting.

  4. Seen plenty of them this spring and summer, competing with the swallows for bugs...

  5. Wow, they can even sleep while flying, that's amazing. How do they not fly into trees or buildings and kill themselves, I wonder.

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Your photo shows the particular Chestnut-collared swift.
    We once had in our previous home here in Georgia/USA a Chimney swift inside our chimney behind the windows of the wood stove. When opened, it flew out and into freedom via our veranda! What a surprise.
    Sending you hugs,

  7. Rita.....Such pretty birds indeed

    Margaret....You're welcome

    Juli........I have never noticed themn

    Chris......They get around

    Karen.....I know that is bloody amazing

    Mariette.....Yeah that would be a surprise

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  9. I had no idea about the swifts not being able to get aloft from the ground...and how in the world do they fly asleep and not crash you wonder?

  10. I’ve heard of these birds but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one. It’s amazing that they can sleep while flying.

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