Tuesday 26 November 2019


Hello everyone, damn it is hot here again, well it's Tuesday again so that means it is creature day and the creature of the day is the wolverine and not the one that looks like Hugh Jackman but the one you can find in the snowy forests of northern Canada, Russia and Europe.

This creature is the size of a large dog but looks like a small bear, however, in fact it is more closely related to a weasel. You may think it looks kinda cute but don't be fooled by its size it's one of the fiercest fighters on Earth. It is powerful enough to hunt and kill animals much bigger than itself, such as reindeer and moose. It has massively strong jaws and long sharp claws and it's not scared of anyone.

Wolverines aren't just bold when it comes to what to hunt, they will alos fight other meat eaters over a kill, taking on wolves and even polar bears.

The wolverine has some nicknames such as glutton because when it finds food it stuffs itself just in case it doesn't fine any more for a while. It is also called skunk bear because it marks its territory with revolting stinky liquid from glands near its tail.

Monday 25 November 2019

Did you know facts

    Good afternoon everyone, another hot day here in Newie, it is Monday and that means it is five facts day................

The U S State of Florida is bigger than England

Owls are some of the very few birds who can see the colour bird

In Chinese, the KFC slogan “finger lickin' good” translates as “eat your fingers off”

All of the roles in Shakespeare's play were originally played by men and boys as in those days it was considered improper for females to appear on stage.

The Wright Brothers tested the first aeroplane in a wind tunnel before flying it.

Sunday 24 November 2019

From Sunday to Saturday in my Life

Up at 6am again, Tim got up at 7.25 complaining he was late when I checked the roster it said he started at 7.45, so yeah he was running late.
Been another hot day, I am dripping in sweat.

Spent ages doing Chrisco orders but I will need to ring them tomorrow as the headstart didn't roll over.

Jess dropped off her work clothes this afternoon.

Another early start to the day up at 6am again although I was awake at 5am when Tim got up.

I went to aqua before I went to the doctors for a care plan review. Tim drove me to the doctors.

While at Mount Hutton I went to Millers for mum.
I have lost 16.5kilos in 4 months according to the doctor, although according to my scales I have lost 19 kilos.

Mum didn't ring me so at 5pm I rang her, she was upset because David hid Dawson's ipad and Mum & Dawson couldn't find it, it was in Sue's room under a pillow. He hid it because Dawson ate what David considered his biscuits. Mum said she felt that Dave & Sandy were acting like children.

Awake and up at 5.30am just before Tim, it is suppose to be another hot day.
Had the air con on from 10am.
Jess took forms back to Whitebridge High.
Mum & Dad's wedding anniversary.
Leo here tonight.

Up at 5.50am this morning Leo was already awake.
Chrisco came at 9am for all of us, Natasha came and collected hers and stored some things in my freezer.

I had a lay down but I didn't sleep.
Mum said she has felt sad all day, I said it may be because yesterday was her wedding anniversary, she said that could be the reason.

I woke at 1am feeling sick in the gut and I ended up throwing up.
I dragged myself out of bed at 6.30am I managed to get dressed. However, I still not feeling good.

Had a moment when Tasha had to come down and make me some toast with honey.
Had a bath and had to call Tasha and get her help get dressed.
Leo is here tonight of course.
Up at 5.45am this morning, it is nice getting up so early.

Going to be another hot day temps in the 30's.

I turned the air con in the kitchen on before I left home, when I got home I found the air cons in the bedrooms were on. I think Blain turned them on.

I am fed up with my right arm and body shaking so bloody much. This afternoon I am just over it.

Awake at 5.45am up at 6am and by 6.15 I was dressed for the day and dripping in sweat but it is not hot it is lovely and there is a slight breeze.
I thought the running hot and cold was over but I was wrong during the last month it has returned.

Tim went and bought us all Macca's for breakfast.
Kathy and the girls came over with shopping and while here Summer helped me put up some Christmas decorations.

Tim drove Leo home this afternoon.
Well I guess it is time to post this

Thursday 21 November 2019

Thursday's words

Friendship and kindness walk arm- in-arm through life.
One without the other is bittersweet, together they are joy and comfort.
For one is silver, the other gold.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Creature Day/Emoeror penguin

I do not know why but for some reason I forgot to do a post yesterday but this morning I am with it..............................kinda................................

Tuesday is creature day and today's creature is the Emperor Penguin, it is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica. The male and female are similar in plumage and size, reaching 122 cm in height and weighing from 22 to 45 kg.

They are found all around the coasts of the Antarctic continent. They breed during the depths of the Antarctic winter and in some of the most desolate, coldest, windiest and downright grim places on the planet during the season of 24 hour darkness.

Some emperor penguins are the only birds that never set foot on land.

It is difficult enough survive in Antarctica, let alone breed, the female lays the egg in the mating are, after the chick hatches she leaves it with the male and goes in search of food which she stores in her stomach and coughs up to feed the chick.

To avoid freezing they have a thick layer of fatty blubber under their skin and a blubbery, feathery brood pouch just above their feet, where the egg or chick can shelter. The parents need to take care not to drop the egg onto the ice or it will quickly freeze.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Another week done and dusted and another year older

Again I was up at 6am, becoming the norm.
When Kelli dropped off Blain she took Leo home to his mum's.
Kathy-Lee and her girls came over and did some housework for me. She washed the kitchen floor which was very dirty and she made a comment about it. She also partly washed the bathroom floor.
Sydney-May & Summer took turns vacuumed the lounge and hall way.
Kathy also ironed her dad's work shirts.
I had a low BGL moment this afternoon when I was on the phone to mum, Blain came when I sent him a text. Tasha was out when I texted her but she came down when she got home. I made some toast after Blain gave me some honey.
While I wasn't good I went to sit on Tim's chair but slide off onto the floor.

This morning I slept in to 7.30am what the hell is with that.
Tim drove me to the podiatrist who cut my toenails.
He is on afternoons this week.
Tasha is in a great deal of pain, it looks like she has an abscess so she rang the after hours GP. They prescribed antibiotics and she sees the dentist tomorrow.

This morning I was up at 5.40am, the first thing I did was check to see if Leo's school was open and it was. Sandra rang mum and told her she saw that it was closed, so Tasha rang the school to check.
Leo is here tonight, although Tasha didn't have to get him from school as Jess did that.
Around 5.30ish Leo and Blain got into a spat which saw Leo grab a weapon a metal stick and he hit Blain with it. I tried to explain that using a weapon is a big NO NO. He didn't get it.
Leo was crying and saying Blain was a bully and hated him and Blain feels the same.
I felt stuck in the middle as I love all my grandchildren the same but I feel closer to Leo than Blain.
Leo said he wants to ask Papa drive him to school.
I am very upset about the whole thing.

This morning Leo asked Papa to drive him to school as he doesn't want to go with Tasha. Papa said he would.
Sandra rang and asked if Tim would pay for Dad's headstone I said I didn't think so, so she came over and spoke to Tim and he did say he couldn't that he didn't have the money.
Kathy rang and let me know that Summer has a virus which has given her a rash.
Been a lot cooler today just had the doors open no need for the air con.

Up at 6am again, going to be a warm day again. I have a headache and feel like shit.
Had to have a nap as I felt so tired, only laid down for an hour.
When Leo went to make his noodles the kettle didn't work, so I will need a new one.

I was awake at 5am, but managed to lay in bed till 5.30, then I got up and had a bath and I also put Tim's work clothes on to wash. I was able to hang it out before I went shopping.
It has been another hot day here, I turned the air con when Tim left for work.
Speaking to Mum this afternoon and she told me about her & Dad's first date.
It was on the 4th July 1958 Dad asked her to the movies and he rang his Aunty Joyce and asked her if she could bring him a clean pair of trousers and she did. Side note, Aunty Joyce never drove and had to catch a bus into Newcastle and another one back to Walllsend a distance of 12k's as the crow flies. Aunty Joyce didn't think Mum was good enough for Dad.
It was Mum who took care of Aunty Joyce in her old age.
Tasha had wanted to take our car to drop Blain off because of the heat but she didn't because Tim carried on about it.
Jess asked him why he is suddenly so possessive with the car, he said he didn't know. He did go on a bit about it being his car and he should be able to use it when he wants, no one disagrees but the way he carries on annoys me.
It should be our car not his.

I woke at 4.30 to go to the loo and wasn't able to get back to sleep so I got up at 6am again.
While alone I got the clothes off the line and checked my emails
Tim gave me a $60 gift card from Kmart.
Jessica & Leo gave me new clothes.
Natasha & Blain gave me a new watch.
Kathy & Family gave me new clothes & earrings.
Had Kathy, Summer, Jessica & Leo her for lunch Tim bought pizza.
After lunch Kathy filled out the forms for Whitebridge High, the way her and Jess acted had me laughing.
I did have a little cry missing Dad.
Been another bloody hotish day.
Spent some time updating my address file and printed them ready to do my Christmas cards.
As I am no longer able hand-write stuff I have to print the to and from parts and paste them in the card.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Thursday's Thought

"Just living is not enough", said the
butterfly. "One must have sunshine,
freedom, and a little flower".

BY: Hans Christian Andersen 

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Life lately

Good afternoon, everyone how is everyone this Wednesday afternoon?

I am well even though I am aching all over as per usual and my jaw is moving a lot.

Some people may have noticed that at times that comments I leave may at times look like it is incomplete this is because at times I accidentally hit publish before I am ready. I hope people understand when this happens

We have had some bloody stinking hot days with horrible fires all over, thankfully they are not around me although the school at one end of the street was closed yesterday but the one at the other end that Blain goes to was open as per usual as was Leo's school. My granddaughters also had to go to school.

Yesterday Tim left his mobile phone at home when he went to work, Natasha rang the office and asked them to let him know, so he didn't think he lost it on the way to work. He said because he didn't have it his night was long and boring, he spends a lot of time watching stuff on his phone. He said it made him think of the days before smart phones.

Yesterday I also spent a few hours doing the calendars for next year but it is now done and this year I didn't stuff it up.

Tasha just rang and asked if I would cook up my packet of popcorn for her and of course I did.

Monday 11 November 2019

Did you know facts about WW1

Hello everyone, how is everyone on this lovely Monday morning no afternoon it is.

Because it is Remembrance Day I have five facts about World War 1.

An explosion on the battlefield in France was heard in England

Journalists risked their lives to report on the war

Around 12 million letters were delivered to the frontline every week

Plastic surgery was invented because of WW!

The youngest British soldier in WW1 was just 12 years old.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Last Week

Another hot day, have the sliding doors open and there is a breeze coming through. Tim at work he took Tasha car because she doesn't feel comfortable driving it to Cessnock so she is going to take our car. Her car needs the CV joints replaced and new struts.
Around 11.30am I needed to turn the air con on but was able to turn it off around 3pm and open the doors again.

When Tim drove Tasha's car he thought it was ok as for some reason he wasn't able to hear any knocking.

Jessica arrived to get Leo at midday.

Monday I was up at 6.30am again, it is a cool sticky day. No aqua today just no motivation. I have done a number of small jobs around the house.

Leo forgot to take his shoes home so had to wear his mum's shoes to school which he complained about being too be small.

Tuesday, I woke at 6 am but it was so dark in the house that I decided to go back to bed for a bit and got up again at 6.45am

It is such a cool overcast day that Tim took the car to day.
Leo is here for the night.

Wednesday I was up at 6am and had a bath, however, when I went to get dressed I got myself into a pickle with my bra. I had to ring Tasha to come and help me.

Jessica and I went over to the High School about Leo going there next year we took the forms and Jess was given a phone number to speak to the woman who handles special placement. However, she said it would be highly unlikely that a place at Warners Bay or Hunter Sport High so to accept the position.

Leo is here tonight as tomorrow he has to go Kaleidoscope for an appointment about his autism.

Thursday up at 6am as usual and Leo woke up at 7am, Jessica arrived at 9.30am and we left at 10.15am and arrived at 10.30 half an hour early.

The appointment went well, Leo was well behaved. On the way home we got KFC.
Leo is staying here tonight.

Friday up at 6am and straight into a got bath ready to go out, I managed to get ready on my own including makeup.

Mum was telling me that Alan Roberts wants to move back to Gateshead and Michelle is expecting Dawson to act as his carer. This has pissed me right off, it isn't his responsibility.
Been a stinking hot day, Leo is at his own house tonight.

Saturday up at 6am and spent the next 1.5hrs in quiet as Tim was still in bed and I didn't turn the TV on. I like it when it is quiet.

Kelli & Jay called in to borrow a camera, I hope I get it back.

Kathy was here for a couple of hours, the girls had fun with Leo.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

This and That

Bloody hell I forgot to hit save and some how managed to loss all I have written before going out, not happy Jan..................

Natasha has spoken to me about selling her car and saving up for another car and while she is without a car she can borrow ours when needed. I do not expect Tim to be happy but her car is a money pit and needs $3,000 worth of work done to it.

This morning Jessica & I had an appointment at a high school about Leo he has been accepted into a MC class we are not happy with the school as getting him fthere and back will be difficult. However, he needs to be in a support class as he will not cope in main stream.

An MC class is a multicategorical class these classes are for students who have similar moderate to high support needs in a regular school. Students may have one or more disability types, these may include autism, emotional disturbance, moderate to severe intellectual disability or physical disability.

While out that way Jessica & I called into the cemetery to see dad.

Tim is home now he had an early start and early finish.

It is another hot day here in Newie.

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Hello everyone, Tuesday again here we are with another creature that you may or not have heard off. This weeks creature is the swift...................

A swift is a bird if you didn't know, they have tiny legs with hooked claws to help them when they land on tree trunks, walls or chimneys where they make their nests. If it was land on the ground it would find it hard to take off again.

They also have long narrow wings and large tails that make them perfectly built for gliding, twisting and turning in the air. They swoop around in groups chasing and catching flying insects to eat. They'll also cover large distances to track down the best insect swarms.

A swift can fly up to 900km or 560ml in a day and up to 5 million kilometres in a lifetime, because they can hunt, eat, meet a mate and even sleep while flying. They don't need to land except to build a nest and raise chicks, which they do at 2 or 3 years of age.

Monday 4 November 2019

Did your know facts

I have zero motivation today, well that's how I feel, however, for some one with zero motivation I have managed to vacuum out 2 rooms and the hallway. I also unpacked the dishwasher and got the clothes off the line and put them away and I ironed Tim's work shirts.

Anyway here are this weeks random facts true or not, but most should be true.

Clans long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them, used to burn down their houses. This some believe is where the term “he got fired” comes from

Babies are born without knee caps they don't form till between 4-6yrs old.

The year 1816 has been called the “Year without Summer” because Canada and the northeastern U S A experienced cold and snow through out the summer months. Dust from a volcano eruption in the Dutch East Indies blocked some of the sun's warmth.

The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache

There is a quarter of a pound salt to a gallon of seawater.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Another week that was

I woke up at around 7am, Tim back at woke today.

Tasha did forget my Pepsi Max no surprise there.

Jessica rang at 10.30 to say she was getting ready for a bath and would be here soon. She arrived just after midday. Her and Leo left around 1.30pm.

Kathy brought over the shopping and while here she wrote out my Christmas gift list.

We spoke about how often I ring or get rung by my siblings, answer is I/we don't. We chat when we see each other but we don't go out of our way to do so.

Monday I was up at 6.30am, decided to go to aqua, however, I had zero motivation and lost my balance and fell over in the pool. I got out as soon as Tasha arrived.

Sue's birthday sent her a voice text and also on Facebook.
Tuesday and not as hot today, I was still up at 6.30am.
Had to have a lay down at 10.30am for a hour or so.
Been very tired all day.
Leo is here tonight.

I slept in this morning getting up at 7.15am instead of 6-6.30am.
Found Leo asleep on the floor in the hall out side his door. He had a terrible nights sleep.

He got up and ready for school without a problem.
I am supper tired.

Also when I went to get out of my arm chair the foot rest wouldn't go down, so that is another arm chair I have broken.
Up at 6.30am again, going to be another hot day. Also my brother's birthday.

Leo is going trick or treating with his Mum and Kelli and her kids, so will not be here till around 6.30pm.

I expect that I will be in bed by the time he arrives.
Awake at 5.45am but after peeing I went back to bed for half an hour, so I was up at 6.15am.

Been feeling blah all morning, Jess feels the same way today as did mum.

When she dropped me home she forgot to get my shopping out of the car, thankfully she was at Tasha's when I rang her.
I have been feeling a tad better in the afternoon but still not great.

I am feeling like shit today, upset tummy and headache. I woke at 6am but I was feeling like shit so we went back to bed at 8am.
By 9am I said to Tim that I was going to ring her but as I picked up the phone she was pulling up.

She was in a state because she was running late and nothing was going right. She couldn't find her black work pants or a singlet.
Because after working last weekend she forgot to bring me her work clothes to wash and store in my wardrobe.

However, a few hours later when she was alone she rang to apologise for snapping at everyone. She had a 4.5hr break while the people she was driving was at the races.

Leo has decided to stay the night.

Sunday now and time to post this.


  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...