Sunday, 17 February 2019

The week that was No 6

Here we are at another Sunday, this morning I found Leo asleep on the lounge room floor, last night he went to sleep on the floor in Papa's office but moved to his own bed and then at some point moved to the lounge room. Jessica didn't get home from work till 3am and so she didn't wake up till I rang her at 11.55am to see when she would be here to get Leo. She arrived here around 12.15pm and they left around 1pm. Leo was quiet until Blain got home from his fathers.

Monday saw me up at 5.50am and Leo arrived at 6.10am I thought that my aqua class was starting earlier due to a school carnival being held at the pool but while looking for something I found the note about the early start and it isn't today it is Wednesday. So I attended as per usual.

Got a message from mum, dad is really sick again the nurse wanted to ring the ambos but instead she rang her doctor who rang Andrew (GP) who said he would visit him and write a script for more antibiotics. My girls are really worried about him.

On Tuesday I went to my falls program it went well and was oh so painful after the class was over the occupational therapist drove me home, so she could do a home visit. She is going to arrange for hand rails to be installed in the bathroom and a step and hand rail at the front door to make it easier for me to get in and out of the house.

Wednesday I skipped my aqua class as the class started early and by the time I would get there the class would be half over so couldn't see the point.

Dad had a fall in the lounge room Wednesday evening took the skin off his arm again.

Thursday was a nice cool day, had front and back sliding doors open. Although I was super tired and had to go back to bed for a 2hr sleep.

Blain & Leo got into it after school, I let them go at one point Leo had Blains phone so Blain put his hands around Leo's neck so Leo dropped the phone on the floor. Blain then went and told his mum that Leo dropped his phone, leaving out that he had Leo by the throat. She was not happy when she heard the whole story, which I told her when she came to go off at Leo.

Also on Thursday afternoon Leo found a small lizard he likes finding lizards but this one doesn't look well and we expect it to die soonish.

Because he was upset and because he will be here Saturday night his mum took him home with her for the night.

Moving onto Friday I went to Charlestown Square shopping, Natasha drove me there and Jessica came up and hung out with me and drove me home.

The lizard was dead this morning.

Mum had an appointment to have her eyes checked but had to cancel as she had no one to take her. When I spoke to her she was in tears. Natasha said she would take her Saturday morning.

Here we are at Saturday I woke up with a headache and have had it on and off all day. Jessica & Leo arrived around 11.30am she had to leave by 12.30 for work.

While Kathy was here she changed the sheets on my bed and unpacked the dishwasher and got the clothes off the clothes hoists for me.


  1. It seemed like a hard, tough week and I am so sorry - I wish things were better for you.

  2. What a packed week.
    I am glad you will be getting the hand rails for safety!
    Take it slow.

  3. Good to hear the girls helping out, and getting the full story on the fight before judging. Boys will be boys, but discipline needs to be fair.

  4. Sandie.....Yeah things could be better but things could be worse also

    Rita.......Yes another full week

    Chris......They are a big help and yeahs will be boys


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