Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Gross Facts No 5/ Sewers pt 1

Another hot day here in Newie, I went to the falls program this morning that was good, I am enjoying it.

Here are this weeks gross facts this week I am writing about sewers which I am splitting in two.

In Victorian London human sewage drained into the river Thames turning the drinking water brown

In Mexico City in 2000 heavy rain broke down the wall of sewage canal, thousands of homes were flooded with 1 metre high sewage

In 1848 a law was passed in the UK stating that all houses should have an ash pit, where poo and wee fell into a pile of ash ready for collection

London built a modern sewage system after the great stink of 1858 when a smell of poo hung over the city

Toilet paper was first used in China more than 1500 years ago


  1. GROSS! In Victorian London human sewage drained into the river Thames turning the drinking water brown.

  2. oh gosh, I could done without knowing these things, but then again I could have not read them - however Jo-Anne, interesting.

  3. I wouldn't have known these facts if you have not shared. Yuck! Imagine having to endure the great stink of poo over our city! Happy Tuesday!

  4. Hi Jo-Anne - but common practice in those days. Bazalgette (love his name!) built the sewer system under London - which is being expanded now ... the original one is beautifully built of bricks and huge ... and runs for miles ... as obviously does the new one. They've done various programmes on them - so interesting ... despite the grossness and the fact there are so many selfish people who don't realise that what they put down the loo doesn't help the system - hence the overload.

    Cheers Hilary

  5. I'm forever grateful to the Chinese for inventing toilet paper! Happy Year of the Pig :)

  6. Sandie.........Yes really gross

    Margaret.......Gross but interesting

    Rita...........I know

    Nancy............Yeah I am sure many feel the same

    Hilary......I know people should think before they flush

    Carol.........Me too great invention

  7. When I was leaving work today, the 2nd shift Burmese workers were eating something that had to be by far the worst smelling thing I ever smelled a human being eat. It took me all the way home and a walk with Scrappy to get rid of the thought of it. I doubt the Thames could have held a candle to whatever it was...

  8. Chris.......Some people eat disgusting smelling and looking food


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....