Thursday, 7 February 2019

Poem Thursday No 5

Never lose an opportunity
of seeing anything that is beautiful
for beauty is God's handwriting

Welcome it in every fair face
in every fair sky, in every
fair flower and t hank God for it

By: Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. And I do. I will even take the plain things and be grateful for them; and for being here to enjoy these gifts.

  2. I've always liked Emerson. :)

  3. So, so true. I like the poem. If only we stop to enjoy and appreciate the beautiful in every thing.

  4. I love Emerson. I memorized a verse of one of his poem:
    Lives of great men all remind us
    We can live a life sublime
    And in passing leave behind us
    Footprints in the sands of time.

  5. Katie......Yes me too

    Margaret.....I agree

    Sandie......Yes indeed

    Rita.......He had a way with words

    Nancy......I am glad you liked it

    Rick.........I like footprints in the sands of time, so nice

  6. Great choice, I love Emerson. He's from the same area where I grew up.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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