Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Two more sleeps till home

Ok two more sleeps before I am home and able to have a hot bath and sleep in my own bed and even though I have loved the cruise I am looking forward to my own bed and a hot bath. I am also missing my girls and grandchildren, I have bought them all a gifts and hope I have not forgotten anyone.

I think we are all looking forward to returning home my brother and sister in-law will be picking us up again and Dave said they will be leaving very early to get down here as near the terminal there is some disable parking spots and they would like to get one of them and as Dave said they can nap in the car while they wait for us better then paying over a $100 for parking.

For most of the cruise we have not felt the ship move much at all, well I have not although this afternoon while I was trying to have a nap I could feel it move and can while I am sitting here typing this and have to say it is kinda nice the gentle swaying of the ship.

This morning mum and I went and bought a few more things and put some money through the pokies didn't win anything though. While at the casino Tim was with us and mum said to him was he going to put money through the pokies or stand around and annoy us, so he left to have a smoke and we didn't see him again till lunch time.

After lunch I had a nap but didn't sleep well I dozed on and off for a couple of hours give or take and woke the last time with a start after I heard someone walk into the cabin and come sit next to me on the bed and touch my hip, I opened my eyes expecting to see Tim but he wasn't there and I called him but he wasn't here at all.

I can tell we are getting closer to Sydney as the temperature is dropping and it is getting cooler although today outside it was nice mum and I sat out on a deck and watched the water, something both of us and well as dad find very relaxing.

Also when I went to the toilet earlier I had a woman as me if mum was my mum or Tim's much she thought she was my mum as she said we looked alike but she had heard Tim call her mum as well so wasn't sure. I said she is my mum but Tim has called her mum for over 30 odd years, she thought it was wonderful that he called her mum as well.

As mum said my dad called her mother mum as well but he called her dad by his given name Ron, dad like Tim was very close to his mother in-law.


  1. All I can say is, Mum's the word! Enjoy the trip back!

  2. Sounds like you will be glad to be back home again even if you have had fun on the cruise. :)

  3. Always good to go away but nice to get and be home.

  4. This was a long cruise for you. We only did a short one and even so we were happy to be home.

  5. Now I must go back and see how long this cruise has been!

    1. It was a bit too long but it was fun and relaxing


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