Sunday, 7 May 2017

Cruise Day 4 Sea Day

Here we are at the end of another day, today has been a sea day as will tomorrow be, this morning after breakfast we all went to the shops on deck five and mum & dad bought grog for Dave and Sandra and Tim bought 3 bottle of Vodka and I got one bottle of Southern Comfort all duty free and will be delivered to our cabin the night before we disembark.

Tim wondered through a shopping display and bought himself a watch and a couple of other things, then mum and I went to a talk about Papua New Guinea which was a little boring and I could tell mum wasn't interested so we left and went to lunch.

After lunch we went back to the shops and mum bought a few more things for people I, however, have not bought anything yet then we sat and listen to some musicians for a bit but mum and I got a headache so we returned to our cabins.

I was writing a post about Brisbane when Tim turned up to change his clothes as he was getting hot.

Been and had dinner, it was formal night tonight and Tim looked really good he changed from his shorts to trousers, button up shirt and dinner jacket, he doesn't often get dressed up and he did look nice, I changed from leggings into nice black slacks.

I just took my night time medication and one tablet got stuck in my throat and I coughed and coughed and managed to dislodge it and bring it up but now I am shaking and have broken out in a sweat.

Ok that is all for this post until tomorrow take care all and hope all are well....................................


  1. Sounds like y'all are having a great time! Keep the posts coming!

  2. Be sure and pick something out for yourself. Don't overdo and be careful taking those pills! :)

    1. Yeah I had no trouble with my pills tonight, I do take about 15 at night and I take them all at once


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