Friday, 26 May 2017

Five things Friday

Good morning all it is Friday again, didn't do a post yesterday I planed to answer some letters, I managed to answer none yeah a big ole 0 how that sucked for some reason I just didn't get around to it, oh well no biggie...................

So what do I have for this weeks five things, stuffed if I know, let me think...............................

No ink

8 unanswered letters

Pissing off my daughters

Thinking they will get over it

Being told I am a gossip and not trustworthy, I only share things with my mum or eldest daughter, the person who said this shouldn't have said what they did and upset so that I needed to vent and rant to someone, it's done deal and move on.


  1. I guess with multiple children there are multiple opportunities for arguments. My son was teasing me yesterday. I smacked his arm, which probably felt like a gnat attacked him.


    1. Yeah it happens, it used to upset me a lot now I just take a breath and if I feel I was in the wrong say sorry then move on

  2. I've been there with my daughters, too. They usually don't stay mad long and yes, your daughters will get over it, too!

    1. I know can't go through life without pissing someone off at some point or in my case many points


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