Sunday, 21 May 2017

Home and returning to normal

Hello all, I am home safe and sound got home around 1pm on Friday afternoon and today is Sunday didn't do a post Friday or Saturday as I just didn't feel like it but here I am on Sunday morning at last writing something.

We have had Leo since Friday after school and will have him till Thursday after school, why you wonder well he wanted to stay Friday night because he missed us and yesterday and today his mum will be working till late in the afternoon and it is just easier for him to stay here with us.

While I was hanging up the clean clothes I thought about how we all may call something by a different name, like what I call a coat hanger some will call a clothes hanger same thing different name, same goes for a pillow case or a pillow slip some item slightly different name.

However, while on the cruise I was confused a bit by what they called lemonade it wasn't lemonade it was lemon squash aka Solo what to us is lemonade is what they called Sprite for us Sprite is just a brand name of lemonade like Coke or Pepsi is a brand name of cola.

So when they said that you could have water, juice or lemonade free with your meal I was looking for Sprite not lemon squash, I don't drink lemon squash but my dad does.

I also noticed that at times they called custard, vanilla sauce and what they served up as pie on pie night was more like pasties although you could get a normal Aussie meat pie from the burger place.

Things are returning to normal here, I have exercised yesterday morning and this morning again so getting back into it yesterday only did 35 minutes and this morning I managed 52 minutes.

I read a heap of blog posts this morning and will post this as well before I go over to my parents place for a late Mother's Day lunch with the family. Speaking of Mother's Day my daughters and my sisters need a bit of a slap they all had an extra two weeks to get us presents and they still say they didn't have time or money to do so, what the hell is with that. Although Kathy-Lee gave me a new wooden breadboard yesterday for Mother's Day which I love as the old one was broken..

Tim and I gave mum her present on the day, well we ordered her roses from the ships florist and Tim bought her a compact mirror while he was ashore that day which she really liked. 


  1. Welcome home Jo-Anne and hope all is well.
    Well if they call lemonade and it's squash etc, what is lemonade then?
    Don't care for Solo or Squash, seems I would be in a pickle.
    Can't imagine Vanilla Sauces as Custard, for me sauces are thinner than custard.

    1. Yes a sauce is thinner than custard but the vanilla sauce and the vanilla custard looked and tasted the same........

      When Tim asked for a can of lemonade I had to pipe up and say he wants Sprite the waiters said I he wants Sprite not lemonade and Tim said yes I want lemonade I had to explain to Tim that when they said lemonade they meant lemon squash.

  2. Different names: Now you know why I have to follow up some of your posts with a Google search...

    1. I didn't realise I confused people but get how easy it is to do now

  3. Welcome home, Jo-Anne. I have problem with all the different names, it can be very confusing. Have a beautiful new week!

    1. Yes it can be confusing indeed, a new week is here and I am sure it will be a great week

  4. It's interesting how different places have different names for things. I call my appliance a "refrigerator", but my husband, who is from the midwest, calls it an "icebox."

    1. We call a "refrigerator" a fridge, we also call our vehicles "cars" and find it strange when watching U S shows like COPS that they say get out of the vehicle not get out of the car

  5. I've never thought of Sprite as lemonade. I don't know what lemon squash is.


    1. Sounds strange to read that you don't know what lemon squash is, it is the same as Solo but than you may not have Solo there, what colour is your lemonade here it is clear no colour, lemon squash is kinda yellow in colour.

    2. Lemonade is yellow, or sometimes pink. Sprite is clear. I don't think we have Solo.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Here in the US lemonade is only a lot of lemon juice from lemons squeezed and the juice is poured into water, add sugar, ice...and drink. Sprite is a carbonated soda, a soft drink so called...with a sugary sweet citrus taste. I call my fridge refrigerator usually but fridge once in a while. With my background of work, I still call cars vehicles. Don't know what Solo is at all.
    Custard is a thick pudding-like vanilla dish made with many egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and cooked over a double boiler. Then cooled. Most often however, it is poured into a pie shell instead and baked to make a custard pie with nutmeg. ground on the top. YUMMY!

    1. Yeah that sounds like custard to me.
      Solo is a lemon flavoured soft drink with less fizz so you can slam it down fast.
      Lemon squash is a lemon flavoured soft drink like Solo but with more fizz usually.

  8. Wow I never heard of lemon squash...Like what the above commenter Katie said, Lemonaid is water, lemon juice and sugar over ice. LOVE IT. Sometimes, I throw in frozen strawberries.

    1. Lemon squash is like what you called Lemonade has a strong lemon taste to it, I don't like the taste much


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