Monday, 29 May 2017

Sunday's Post and Did You Know Monday

Hello everyone, here we are on a cold Sunday morning, I did something this morning I rarely do, I went back to bed after I did my morning exercises and after I threw a load of washing on and slept for another two hours.

Yesterday I had Leo while his mum worked but only during the day not over night and Kathy and the girls came over, well Kathy had to bring my weekly grocery shop over I do click and collect where I do the shopping online and Kathy collects it and brings it to me.

So I get up not long ago and go to get the washing out of the machine and bloody hell the damn machine was out of balance and not finished,grrrrrrrrr......................

So I unpacked the dishwasher and now I am sitting here and writing this..........................

You know something I hate itchy underarms mine get very itchy, spoke to the doctor about it and he said it might be my deodorant, no happens even when I don't use deodorant, so than he said it was my laundry detergent but I don't think so as it happens even straight after my bath, so of course he then said it was the soap, I don't use soap, ok the body wash but I use different types of body wash and not the same one every time, so than he said he had no idea........................that makes two of us.

On Friday Jessica bought me a new pair of slippers for Mother's Day, yeah a little late but that's ok anyway one of the first things she asks yesterday was do I wear them, yes I wore them Friday night and Saturday morning. Now I don't like to wear slippers much with just my bare feet as my feet sweat but with my problems so days getting my socks on I wanted something I could slip my bare feet into after my bath and first thing of a morning before I get dressed for the day. I wear shorts and a tee shirt to exercise in then I go and get dressed for the day afterwards.

Natasha and Blain both gave me photo frames which I like and Kathy gave me a new breadboard as the one I had was broken and I do like to use a breadboard each day, has to be a wooden one so the toasted sandwich doesn't sweat and become soggy.

Oh yeah Jessica emptied Leo's money boxes he has here and banked the money, he had $215 in his money boxes and yes took a few years to save that much but now it is in his bank account which has over 3 grand in it. I have money boxes here for all my grandchildren and Daemon and I add whatever coins I have spare to them on a regular basis.

On Friday mum had to go with Dawson while he opened up a cashcard account because he is now 18 and will be going to Centrelink on Monday to register and will at some point get a payment once he leaves school if not before. It is Centrelink who pays unemployment benefits and family payments and disability and such. If he doesn’t already have his own Medicare card he will have to register for that as well, here you get your own card usually between the ages of 16-18.

Tim and I are going over to my parents again today for lunch because last weekend my brother Dave was unable to make it and so we are doing it again so he can be there, last weekend I wanted to put it off till this weekend but Sandra didn't want that and all I could think was if you had to find the money for the KFC it would be different sis..................that said we love her and had it anyway.

Ok started this yesterday morning, yes it is now Monday morning I had planned to finish this yesterday and post it but didn't get around to doing it so here I am doing it now.

Being Monday that means it is did you know Monday, so I am asking this, did you know:

A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in a single night


  1. That mole must be doing Red Bull...

  2. It's amazing how much money can be saved in a money box.

  3. What about your razor?
    Nice you all have money boxes for the kids. :)

  4. 300 FEET! In a night?? That's amazing. Your underarms are allergic to something...

  5. You and your doctor must have had fun going round and round with scenarios for your


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