Monday, 22 May 2017

Did you know Monday/Toothbrushes

Ok since things are returning to normal that means this Monday you get did you know Monday with another fact out of Leo's 1000 facts book, this weeks fact is this:

More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones

What colour is your toothbrush?

Mine is usually pink so not blue but Tim always likes a blue one as does Leo.

We all now that toothbrushes are available with different bristle textures, sizes, and forms but did you know that most dentists recommend using a soft toothbrush since hard bristled toothbrushes can damage tooth enamel and irritate the gums.

Also did you know the first bristle toothbrush resembling the modern one was found in China dating back to the Tang Dynasty which is between 619-907 it consisted of hog bristles, just so you know. 


  1. Red soft bristles. ;)
    Much better these days than hog bristles.

    1. Yes a toothbrush made of hog bristles sounds disgusting

  2. Mine is multicoloured and I would never buy a green toothbrush because I've never seen a nice coloured green one.

    1. Yeah for some reason green isn't one of my favourite colours there are some nice shades of green but often the shades you see are not that nice

  3. The toothbrushes I buy come in packs. The colours are mixed and sometimes I do get green ones. Though I love blue but I am not particular about green.

    1. Yeah we can buy them in packs with different colours but usually since I like an extra soft brush and Tim likes a hard brush we buy the single ones

  4. I have an electric toothbrush, which I love. I have to buy the heads, which come in packs of three. Each head in the pack is a different color. Currently, I'm on yellow.


    1. I also have a powered brush runs on batteries and the head is blue my normal brush that I take when on holidays are usually pink and extra soft

  5. I use a battery toothbrush - and I have no idea, what color it is. Maybe white....

    1. I don't know why the colour should matter but for many of us it does, all colours do the same job though


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