Sunday, 14 May 2017

Mother's Day

So it is Mother's Day as I start this while waiting for mum & dad to get ready to go to breakfast, Tim has gone to have a smoke and check out the docking of the ship we are at Luganville today not sure at this stage if me and mum and going ashore Tim will check it out and let us know if it is worthwhile doing so.

Yesterday I asked Tim if he would go to the casino and get me a couple of scratchies to give mum for Mother's Day and he didn't not happy Jan.........................

Ok it is now after lunch and Tim has been ashore and returned with a heap of goodies, he did really good something for mum just a little mirror compact and both Tim and I ordered mum some roses for Mother's Day which I hope and expect her to like I noticed they had been delivered when I returned her to her cabin.

Tim also bought me a lovely necklace for Mother's Day which I really like and he bought a hat for Leo and a tee shirt for Blain and little doll keyrings for Sydney-May and Summer and of course a fridge magnet to add to my collection.

Damn my right hand is sore from pushing mum around on the walker it is my right hand I use to steer and manoeuvre the walker around.

I am not eating a great deal so hopefully I will not have gained weight when we return home, I guess only time will tell.


  1. Glad to see you are enjoying the cruise. Its a shame your mum can't get off the ship sometimes. Happy mother's day to both of you.

  2. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    Happy Mother's Day to you and your mum. Seems Tim did right by the two of you and I applaud him for it. Enjoy your gifts and the rest of your cruise, dear friend!


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