Friday, 12 May 2017

A few more cruise days

Here we are at another day what number day I cannot remember all the days are running together for me and mum, it has been a humid sticky day if one is outside which for the most part we (mum & I ) have not been.

This morning dad and Tim went ashore via a tender to check out Kiriwina Island but mum wasn't able to board a tender because of her needing the walker to get around so we stayed onboard and had a chat and cuppa.

After lunch mum was exhausted and wanted a nap and I felt I could do with one as well so back to the cabin for a nap was what we did.

Tim while ashore got his camera wet and now it will not turn on and all he said was he was due for a new camera, yesterday when I left one of the two ways on a table and lost it he carried on a bit and made me cry, he got over it but I wasn't happy with the way he carried on I didn't lose it on purpose.

Last night we had pizza for tea which was dished out by the slice and what large slices they were and have to say not a bad pizza at that.

Ok today is Thursday we docked at Rabaul and both Tim & dad got off the ship for a look around, it was stinking bloody hot and not much to see near the ship. Tim went for a wander into town and he bought a baseball cap and a fridge magnet as he knows I like to collect fridge magnets from places we have visited.

Mum and I stayed on ship and sat by a window and could see dad and Tim get off and back on the ship, after lunch we went and had a rest.

Dad doesn't sound good and I said I thought he needed to rest a bit and mum was super tired as when we are in port the shops onboard are closed as is the casino so to me it is a time to relax in the sun or in your cabin and watch some telly for a bit.

Mum didn't bring a book to read so she has been on Facebook a fair bit and she has been having afternoon lay downs after lunch.

Ok it is now Friday evening been at sea all day, mum spent more money as did I just not as much as mum, we have just returned from dinner and I have just had my shower yes it is early but I will just relax a bit in the cabin before going to bed.


  1. Take it easy. Sounds like you and your mom are getting in some nice time together. :)


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